Adam Cameron: 🫡

Moose is drinking an After Hours by Range Brewing at Bronze Bombshell
Faaaaaaarrrrrrkkkkk. Beer of the year for me. Who would have thought Range x Bracket x TDH x TIPA would be absolute ball tingling magic?
Adam Cameron: 🫡
Ash P: Got the quaddie right there 🍻 nice one
Moose is drinking a White Christmas by Sailors Grave Brewing at Bronze Bombshell
CCC22. Nailed the brief. Yummy stuff.
Purchased at Carwyn Cellars
Moose is drinking a Carefree by Day To Be at Bronze Bombshell
CCC20. Treee-mendous main stream debut from DTB. It’s a banging stout. See Cain K. excellent review for the details. Congrats to Ryan B. and all the hard work he’s put in over many years.
Purchased at Carwyn Cellars
Moose is drinking a Serendip by Beereratne Brewing & Blending at Bronze Bombshell
CCC14. Just a decent stout?
Purchased at Carwyn Cellars
CCC24. Best Canvent ever. Bravo Carwyn Cellars and everyone involved.
Purchased at Carwyn Cellars