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Tim Wiens is drinking a FAR YEAST WHITE by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Tide & Vine Oyster House

Steve C is drinking a Far Yeast TOKYO IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Company
Purchased at Japan Village

Abhimanyu Bhattacharjee is drinking a Far Yeast TOKYO IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel (新竹喜來登大飯店)
Purchased at 福利中心 SuperMarket

Mike M is drinking a Hop Frontier -Juicy IPA- by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Pretty good, even when not a fresh can.
Purchased at city’super

Daichi Iwakiri is drinking a Far Yeast Gloam Moon by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Far Yeast Tokyo Brewery & Grill

聡 佐藤 is drinking a Hop Frontier -Juicy IPA- by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

asylum13 is drinking a Far Yeast ゆずレモンWhite by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station (HS01) (阪神 大阪梅田駅)

Edgar Quinones is drinking a Far Yeast TOKYO WHITE by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Nami
Wonderful ale. It was crisp and refreshing while maintaining bold characteristics. Very bubbly and flavorful.
Purchased at Nami

Olivier Leclercq is drinking a KAGUA BLANC by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Terence Freestone is drinking a Far Yeast TOKYO IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
A pleasantly citric 👃 leads to flavours of sweet stone fruits, mango and papaya, becoming dry in the aftertaste with some grapefruit and lemon peel notes.
Purchased at Yutaka

Marcello Foschi is drinking a KAGUA BLANC by Far Yeast Brewing Company at BRB — Beer Right Back

Marcin Drewnowski is drinking an Off Trail Starless Sky by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Minn Umeda-North

pfwu is drinking a Far Yeast 1000 Steps From 源流醸造所 by Far Yeast Brewing Company
Purchased at Coffee Boy Hop Man

Neil Juggins is drinking a Far Yeast Fairest Lady by Far Yeast Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
A hoppy, citrus aroma, the taste is citrus (grapefruit and a hint of lemon), piney and bitter. Light, but not thin, and refreshing. Nice.
Purchased at city'super