
Untappd at Home

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Untappd at Home

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Venue Stats (?)

  • 168.75M+ Total
  • 2.03M+ Unique
  • 1.47M+ Monthly
  • 0 You

Recent Activity

Чистый Четверг by Big Village Brewery

Dddeniusss is drinking a Чистый Четверг by Big Village Brewery at Untappd at Home

Как же это вкусно! Лёгкий, питкий сешн. Почти идеальный баланс (я бы ещё подсушил), горечь. Хрустит Сладкие цитрусы и персики 16.09.24 4.0

Dose Dose

Check-in Photo

Citraizen by Jaws Brewery

Homo Marshmallowus is drinking a Citraizen by Jaws Brewery at Untappd at Home

Flasche Flasche

99 Bottles (Level 5) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 5) badge!
Phantom Dreaming by DSSOLVR

Andrew Travis is drinking a Phantom Dreaming by DSSOLVR at Untappd at Home

Super hopped! Thick and hoppy. Love the artwork. Picked up a 4 pack at the beach and just finished it.

Purchased at Pavilion Discount Beverage

Dose Dose

For the Can (Level 65) Earned the For the Can (Level 65) badge!
Paix Dieu by Brasserie Caulier

Emiel Krampils is drinking a Paix Dieu by Brasserie Caulier at Untappd at Home

Gezapft Gezapft

Photogenic Brew (Level 4) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 4) badge! Belgian Holiday (Level 7) Earned the Belgian Holiday (Level 7) badge!
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