Andy Turpin: 😄😄😄😄😄😄👍🍻
5.5% ABV
1,912 Ratings
PiSsDuCk is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at The Old Cross Tavern
Christopher Corben-Green is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Och aye the noo. T' dram smells like a Brew & a drop of orange Tango. Nae vanilla in taste, just ae wee very fizzy Irn Brew, which hits a take that Jimmie orange sherbet aftertaste aye.
Purchased at BrewDog Manchester
Peter Coates is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Taunton Railway Station (TAU)
Purchased at The Hop Vault
Mark Newman is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Taunton Railway Station (TAU)
Nico BT is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Wow! C'est quand même très très particulier et assez sucré
Purchased at Quaff Webshop
Pep Nik is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing
James Carnel is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing
Jens Andersen is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing
Let til medium krop meget laktose der giver massere af fylde og vanilje smag sammen med den klassiske iiirnn breeew smag. En kunstighed der gør, iron Brew ret og så i en øl, man er nødt til at vurdere den mod Iron Brew og ikke som alene stående øl
Tor MetalHead is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Matt Sadd is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing
Late checkin from NYE - Kelz forgot to take photo
Chloe James is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing
Always seem to like these
Purchased at The House of the Trembling Madness
Callum Hodgson is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Sour initially then the cream 'float' comes on afters.
Robson085 is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Untappd at Home
Best of the Iron Brew trio. Sugar rush 🤯
Darren Christie is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at The Old Post Office
Purchased at The Old Post Office
Jeremy Watson is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at The Old Post Office
Helen Fulford is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at The Old Post Office
FillHerUpBradders is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing
dionwills16 is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Mikkeller Brewpub London
strael is drinking an Iron Brew Float by Vault City Brewing at Mikkeller Brewpub London