Саша Марианский: Привет, а в Питере есть где купить???
16% ABV
19 Ratings
U C is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Purchased at Punchiller
Димончик is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Vadim Iossub is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Надежда Жабавук is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Wolfshade is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Purchased at Punchiller
Евгений Прокудин is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Саша Марианский: Привет, а в Питере есть где купить???
Евгений Прокудин: Саша М. Привет 👋. Думаю, что скоро исправим этот момент;)
Саша Марианский: Ну я жду тогда)
Диана Прокудина is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Purchased at Punchiller
Maksim Shlykov is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller
Пасаны это кайф. Градус скрыт. Корица во все поля. Очень медово. Респект
Purchased at Punchiller
Евгений Прокудин: Мускатный орех случайно вчекинил, а не корицу;)
Anton Zhuravkov is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Анатолий Л is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Purchased at Punchiller
Arch Peccator is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Punchiller
Alexey Goncharov is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Vadim Iossub is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Alex Leit is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Салодка, спецыі, вельмі добра і ў балансе )
Сергей is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Punchiller
Alcohol Beer Cocktailev is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at с/к Флора-1
Vladimir Balotnik is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Purchased at Punchiller
Vadzim D is drinking a Metheglin: May Honey And Nux Moschata by Punchiller at Punchiller
Purchased at Punchiller