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Ian Alexander is drinking a Hazy Big Ballard by Redhook Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Beverage Tobacco Zone

Alan Attebery is drinking a Hazy Big Ballard by Redhook Brewery at The Beaver Dam
Purchased at Fred Meyer

Marshall Bender is drinking a Hazy Big Ballard by Redhook Brewery at Untappd at Home

Ching Li is drinking a Long Hammer IPA by Redhook Brewery
It’s piney and I don’t think I’m a fan.

Jeremy is drinking a Big Ballard by Redhook Brewery at Untappd at Home
Go Eagles 🦅 🏈 🤣✌️❤️

zaggner is drinking an ESB by Redhook Brewery at Untappd at Home

Stephen Toumi is drinking an ESB by Redhook Brewery at City of Coupeville
I really should have bought some beer. This is another piss poor attempt at beer. Not a good flavor at all. Malty with a subtle spice and soft pine notes. Very unimpressive but that’s big beer for you.

Richard Melton is drinking a Hazy Big Ballard by Redhook Brewery
Like a luscious bomb exploding on your tongue.

Tyler Reynolds is drinking a Long Hammer IPA by Redhook Brewery at Alaska Airlines Arena

Bernat Rafales is drinking a Hazy Big Ballard by Redhook Brewery at W Bellevue

Tyler Reynolds is drinking a Long Hammer IPA by Redhook Brewery at Alaska Airlines Arena

Adam Ponsell is drinking a Tropical Big Ballard Juicy IPA by Redhook Brewery at Untappd at Home

Brian is drinking a Winterhook #39 (2023) by Redhook Brewery at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Safeway