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Sour Place Bar and Shop

Beer Bar, Beer Store, Pub

ул. Гамарника, 30 Мінск, Мінск ( Map )

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ул. Гамарника, 30 Мінск, Мінск (Map)

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Last Updated 01/19/25

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  • 283 Unique
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Last Updated 01/19/25

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Recent Activity

Belgian White Ale (Бельгийский пшеничный эль) by BIERBANK

Al J is drinking a Belgian White Ale (Бельгийский пшеничный эль) by BIERBANK at Sour Place Bar and Shop

пшеничка - больше и нечего сказать. чуть водянисто, но пивабельно. p.s. локацию давно пора переименовать. sour place умёр ( теперь пивотут, в соседнем павильоне )

Purchased at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Draft Draft

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Treasure Hunting by Big Village Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Treasure Hunting by Big Village Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Нешта не адчуў будзь-якага там бярозавага соку і тым больш сіропу, барлік ды барлік толькі шо занадта салодкі, а пуцін хуйло

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The Wine of Beers  (Level 45) Earned the The Wine of Beers (Level 45) badge!

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Insomnia by Rewort Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking an Insomnia by Rewort Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Наўпрост добры двайны стаўт, не разумею навошта заяўляць гэта як РІС, а пуцін хуйло

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NIGHT-FLY by Big Village Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking a NIGHT-FLY by Big Village Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Вельмі падгарэўшыя сухафрукты, вельмі цяжкае, няўпэўнены што пацягнуў бы адзін такога банку, а пуцін хуйло

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So Udderly Sweet (Level 64) Earned the So Udderly Sweet (Level 64) badge!

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Caramel Delight by Rewort Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Caramel Delight by Rewort Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Ня вельмі багата карамелі гэтай вашай, можна болей, ды і градус можна мацней, а на этыкетцы памылка, а пуцін хуйло

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Zuppa Del Duca by Rewort Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Zuppa Del Duca by Rewort Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Крыху падгарэў гэты ваш тірамісу нібыта, а пуцін хуйло дакладна

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Gold by Bullevie

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Gold by Bullevie at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Какой-то совсем юный штоль, несозревший, в отличие от хуйла путина

Purchased at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Bottle Bottle

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Депрессия by Hophead Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Депрессия by Hophead Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Какая-то преженная малиновая шмурда, и путин хуйло

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Kitty's Secret by Midnight Project

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Kitty's Secret by Midnight Project at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Ну да, котиков в банку норм насовали, а путину хуёв насовали

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Dilemma by Midnight Project

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Dilemma by Midnight Project at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Очень хороший двойной портер, жженый, хлебный, но совершенно не балтийский, даже намёка на балтику нет, а путин хуйло

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Tomato Tandoori

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Tomato Tandoori "Ганеш" by Hophead Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Чо-та слегка в квашеную капусту как будто а путин в хуйло

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Batyushka WBA by Plan B Brewery

Ritchie Toady is drinking a Batyushka WBA by Plan B Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Мамочки... батюшки... сплошной алкоголь и гора бочки, но путин хуйло

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Bottle Bottle

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Two Tickets In the First Row by 4BREWERS

Anton K is drinking a Two Tickets In the First Row by 4BREWERS at Sour Place Bar and Shop

Can Can

Heavy Weight (Level 20) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 20) badge! 2X (Level 21) Earned the 2X (Level 21) badge!
Coconut Bastard by Selfmade Brewery

Anton K is drinking a Coconut Bastard by Selfmade Brewery at Sour Place Bar and Shop

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Middle of the Road (Level 74) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 74) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 6) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 6) badge!
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