
Lincoln's Recent Activity

Rauchdoppelbock by Dovetail Brewery

Lincoln S is drinking a Rauchdoppelbock by Dovetail Brewery at Untappd at Home

Consolation for not being able to attend today's Thank You For Smoking. A year+ in the fridge has done this one good. The smoke is now wonderfully balanced and melded into layers of chocolate and caramel. A rich, decadent treat on a cold February night.

Purchased at Dovetail Brewery

Can Can

Down In Smoke (Level 6) Earned the Down In Smoke (Level 6) badge!
Beer for Power Plays by Off Color Brewing

Lincoln S is drinking a Beer for Power Plays by Off Color Brewing at Untappd at Home

Roasted malt, coffee and dark chocolate, and a surprising herbal hop streak. There's a little caramel sweetness but only to balance, making it feel light and dry for the style. Like an amped up Czech dark lager, which is a style I quite enjoy.

Can Can

Bork Bork Bork by Working Draft Beer Company

Lincoln S is drinking a Bork Bork Bork by Working Draft Beer Company at Working Draft Beer Company

Couldn't not come out for a WD/Dovetail collab. Pretty sweet for a pale lager, with faint floral hops and effervescent carb. The export strength is noticeable and there's a faint fruity note, either from the malt or yeast. Well made, but not my style.

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 38) Earned the Draft City (Level 38) badge!

Check-in Photo

Gyrator by New Glarus Brewing Company

Lincoln S is drinking a Gyrator by New Glarus Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Just as I remembered: chocolatey aroma and flavor up front giving way to rich dark fruit, finishing dry. I noticed the hops playing a nice supporting role this time, adding a little spice and helping the clean finish. A delightful winter beer.

Can Can

Gartenzwickl by BrauSchneider

Lincoln S is drinking a Gartenzwickl by BrauSchneider at Untappd at Home

Sweet pale malt complemented by complex floral, lightly grassy hops. It's a bit sweet but the whole package evokes the smells of a summer garden quite nicely. This would be nice on a warm summer day.

Bottle Bottle