Lincoln S is drinking a Rauchdoppelbock by Dovetail Brewery at Untappd at Home

Lincoln S is drinking a Beer for Power Plays by Off Color Brewing at Untappd at Home
Roasted malt, coffee and dark chocolate, and a surprising herbal hop streak. There's a little caramel sweetness but only to balance, making it feel light and dry for the style. Like an amped up Czech dark lager, which is a style I quite enjoy.

Lincoln S is drinking a Bork Bork Bork by Working Draft Beer Company at Working Draft Beer Company
Couldn't not come out for a WD/Dovetail collab. Pretty sweet for a pale lager, with faint floral hops and effervescent carb. The export strength is noticeable and there's a faint fruity note, either from the malt or yeast. Well made, but not my style.

Lincoln S is drinking a Gyrator by New Glarus Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Just as I remembered: chocolatey aroma and flavor up front giving way to rich dark fruit, finishing dry. I noticed the hops playing a nice supporting role this time, adding a little spice and helping the clean finish. A delightful winter beer.

Lincoln S is drinking a Gartenzwickl by BrauSchneider at Untappd at Home
Sweet pale malt complemented by complex floral, lightly grassy hops. It's a bit sweet but the whole package evokes the smells of a summer garden quite nicely. This would be nice on a warm summer day.
Consolation for not being able to attend today's Thank You For Smoking. A year+ in the fridge has done this one good. The smoke is now wonderfully balanced and melded into layers of chocolate and caramel. A rich, decadent treat on a cold February night.
Purchased at Dovetail Brewery