
Kenneth's Recent Activity

Speaking Alien Language by Elmeleven

Kenneth Malm is drinking a Speaking Alien Language by Elmeleven at Untappd at Home

Ljus o tät med ett ganska tunt lödder. Syltig lätt spritig doft. Smaken är ganska tung o lite spritig. Inte riktigt min stil av dryck.

Purchased at Systembolaget

Can Can

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TRANSIENT // HAZY DDH IPA by Northern Monk

Kenneth Malm is drinking a TRANSIENT // HAZY DDH IPA by Northern Monk at Untappd at Home

Ljust gul o tät. Ganska tunt lödder upptill. Mycket apelsinskal i doften. Lent o fruktigt. Men med ett litet spritgenomslag som drar ner betyget.

Purchased at Systembolaget

Can Can

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Red Tails by Connecticut Valley Brewing Company

Kenneth Malm is drinking a Red Tails by Connecticut Valley Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Mörkt kopparfärgad. Lätt maltig doft. Smaken är rund o frisk med en lätt maltighet.

Purchased at Systembolaget

Paint the Town Red (Level 12) Earned the Paint the Town Red (Level 12) badge! Land of the Free (Level 67) Earned the Land of the Free (Level 67) badge!

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Right To Roam by Buxton Brewery

Kenneth Malm is drinking a Right To Roam by Buxton Brewery at Untappd at Home

Ljust kopparfärg, halvgrumlig. Ett ok gräddigt lödder. Frisk lätt maltig doft. Friskt o gott med en lätt maltnot. En riktigt bra bitter

Purchased at Systembolaget

Can Can

You're Extra Special (Level 16) Earned the You're Extra Special (Level 16) badge!

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Intergalactic Warrior by Toppling Goliath Brewing Co.

Kenneth Malm is drinking an Intergalactic Warrior by Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home

Nästan orange i färgen o halvtät. En hel del aprikos o mango i doften. Smaken är också en hel del mango.

Purchased at Systembolaget

Can Can

Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 35) Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 35) badge!

Check-in Photo