The Master: Apparently Rock is saved but just not still in Huddersfield. Shall miss that tap room. Discovered today that By The Horns has gone into liquidation. Dark times.
6.5% ABV
50 IBU
43,524 Ratings
Dries Van der Auwera is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Hoogmis
bethmcnichol is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing
Luis Esteban Grifoll is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at el Tap
Purchased at el Tap
Rebecca G is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home
Alex Lawrence is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home
Martin G is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home
The Master: Apparently Rock is saved but just not still in Huddersfield. Shall miss that tap room. Discovered today that By The Horns has gone into liquidation. Dark times.
Martin G: The Master Yes bought by an equity fund which masquerades as a brewing group. Outlook not great. Heard about By The Horns too. Sad times.
Pascal vK is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Billie's Bier Kafétaria
NathanRound-2006 is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at M&S Foodhall
Cassie Pope is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home
Solid. Strong flavour.
Purchased at M&S Foodhall
Terje Hultmann is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Sunny Hills
Lingier Lauwereins is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing
Purchased at Stacks
Mark Eades is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home
Stephen Morgan is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at TfL Bus 236
Post-Sembene drinkle, bus tinkle.
Purchased at M&S Foodhall
Josh Toze is drinking a Fantasma by Magic Rock Brewing at Untappd at Home