8.9% ABV
9,898 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
8.9% ABV
9,898 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Bill S is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Revisit. Late check in. Favorite Anniversary label
Roberto M is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company
Jim Glesias is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Keezerville
Not bad for being so old
Ray Heino is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company
Eric B is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
The year was 2012 when this went into my cellar. Held up much better than I expected. Rating reflects its current state and how I remembered it back in 2012. :)
Gregg Dubh; BCTC Beer Wizard is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
10 yrs and I couldn't wait for 4.20? Malty but still zippy with carbonation.
Purchased at Hamilton Super Buy-Rite
James Ruffing is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Ty Rich is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Walden Lake Golf & Country Club
Holtimus Maximus is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Newport Avenue Market
Markus T is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Very late from 2012. Alphyddan. Systembolaget.
Martin L is drinking a Lucky 13.alt (Anniversary Release) by Lagunitas Brewing Company