Mateo: Wack rating
12.5% ABV
35 IBU
1,262 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
12.5% ABV
35 IBU
1,262 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Maris The Otter is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
This is a bit of a parfait. Not too sweet. Kind creamy. Kinda granola. It works.
Purchased at Bottle Logic Brewing
Mateo: Wack rating
Travis Suda: I hope you put at least one of those pours in6 my allocation...
Love Thy Bier: Wish I got to this place earlier in the day the other year. Was just about to close. But did come away with goodies
Jente B is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bushalte Liesbos
boudewijn emaus is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing
Tiaan Lordan is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
Late checkin- 4 oz sampler on the right- wow smells like vanilla yogurt with granola and dried berries. Thick creamy smooth mouthfeel with more vanilla and granola notes. Delicious.
Matthijs Cremers is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing
Dat het dinsdag is is geen reden om niet een beuker te openen 👌🏼
Purchased at Bierwinkel Hop
Keith Collins is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
Purchased at Bottle Logic Brewing
Steve Trinter is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
Rock is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
BBA breakfast stout from BL with base with softly sweet Tahitian vanilla, recirculate it through
Purchased at Bottle Logic Brewing
Gary Poulson is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
Marina Poulson is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
john is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing
Larissa Bremer is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Untappd at Home
Zoet, boozy. Nomnom
Ton Hoffman is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at De Bierburgemeester
pierre_laumaille_5548 is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing
Nez : chocolat, fruits rouges Acidité rafraichissante, bel équilibre, belle longueur en bouche
Blake Storry is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Untappd at Home
Surprisingly bright and sweet. Really nails the berry flavor. I was looking forward to this and even so, it exceeds my expectations! 🍓🫐😋
Blake Storry: Its berry, berry good (i wish i had thought of this pun when i first posted rather than 2 hours after but 🤷) 🤣
Rob P: You been busy 😀
Blake Storry: Rob P. Indeed. I might need to restock a bit, lol I was actually thinking I might make another run to Johns Marketplace later tonight if Texas Tech beats Houston in 🏀 today
Denver Cromer is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing
Bridget Cromer is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Fermental
Lester Abadilla is drinking a Superstratum (2023) by Bottle Logic Brewing at Bottle Logic Brewing
Purchased at Bottle Logic Brewing