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Teri Seaboyer is drinking a Gale Force by Heritage Brewing at Roxy and Red's hideaway
I hope there isn’t a storm coming

sampelley is drinking a Wheat King Pineapple Wheat Ale by Heritage Brewing at Halimac Axe Throwing
Not a fan of wheat ales. Tastes like it was filtered through dirt

Teri Seaboyer is drinking a Rusty Truck by Heritage Brewing at Roxy and Red's hideaway
The sounds like home

Ian Ley is drinking a Kilometer Zero by Heritage Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Heritage Brewing Company

Ian Ley is drinking an Under the Patio by Heritage Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Heritage Brewing Company

jen_sippley_3793 is drinking a Freezing Spray by Heritage Brewing

Jean G. is drinking a Rusty Truck by Heritage Brewing at Untappd at Home

Nic Moran is drinking a Freezing Spray by Heritage Brewing at Lake Moran (The Pond)
Purchased at Prospect Foods

Ryan Lamkin is drinking a Rusty Truck by Heritage Brewing at Untappd at Home

Braydon Cook is drinking a Sea Path Alakai by Heritage Brewing at Untappd at Home

Matt Karmil is drinking a Freezing Spray by Heritage Brewing at Untappd at Home

Ian Ley is drinking a Rusty Truck by Heritage Brewing at Heritage Brewing Company

Belated check in