Torrens Lyster is drinking a BGM24 FUTURE New England Double IPA by Browar Stu Mostów at Untappd at Home
It's been in the fridge for 8 months (and several months out of date) but I think that it's even better than it was last June. Then I gave it 4.0 Today it's an easy 4.25.
Purchased at Zombier

Torrens Lyster is drinking a Dubbelnelson by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
Very pleasant but unexceptional. Quite bitter but I'm not sure about the flavour. Is it the Nelson hops? 3.75 but not quite a 4.0
Purchased at Zombier

Torrens Lyster is drinking a ROLL N’ RIDE by Sudden Death Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
6 months ago I thought this was too sweet. Today it seems to be a very good, perfectly balanced TIPA. Then it was 3.75. Today it's an easy 4.0 almost 4.25
Purchased at Zombier

Torrens Lyster is drinking The Algorithm Pt. 2 by Uiltje Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
An extraordinary BA Imperial Stout Much too easy to drink!!!!
Purchased at Zombier

50 weeks after I 1st had this DIPA and it's just as spectacular
Purchased at Zombier