Ryan Quinn is drinking a Wrecking Ball by No-Li Brewhouse at The Kegless Tragedy
Smooth and dark with a nice roasty flavor and light chocolate notes. Forgot to check this in last night
Purchased at QFC

Ryan Quinn is drinking a Pilot Rock Porter by Caldera Brewing Company at The Kegless Tragedy
Smooth and roasty. Nice chocolate and coffee notes. Pretty light

Ryan Quinn is drinking a Dragontail IPA by Icicle Brewing Company at Slew’s City Views
Hoppy and juicy with nice citrusy and melon flavors m. Has a bitter ending. Nice!
Purchased at Fred Meyer

Ryan Quinn is drinking an Uncle Stepdad’s (2024) by Everybody's Brewing at Figurehead Brewing Co.
SAD Beer Fest #13: Smooth, boozy, and dark with a complex malty and bourbon barrel-aged flavor. Great!
Purchased at Figurehead Brewing Co.
Super light, nicely sweet, very drinkable. Crushable. The light malty flavors are very pleasant
Purchased at RESPITE Wine Bar + Bottle Shop