
K's Recent Activity

Storm of the Bones by Burnish Beer Co.

K N is drinking a Storm of the Bones by Burnish Beer Co. at Two Stones Pub

Solid milk Stout.

Taster Taster

So Udderly Sweet (Level 16) Earned the So Udderly Sweet (Level 16) badge!
Bellcracker by 2SP Brewing Company

K N is drinking a Bellcracker by 2SP Brewing Company at Two Stones Pub

Nice crisp West Coast hop bite, resinous and piney.

Short 'n Stout by Mispillion River Brewing Company

K N is drinking a Short 'n Stout by Mispillion River Brewing Company at Mispillion River Brewing

Whiskey barrel aged Russian Imperial Stout. Tabbaco, oak, toffee notes. Circa 2009. Well done!

Bottle Bottle