Kevin Payne: What?!?! No rating?? 🤣
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ashtiv is drinking a Petrus Sour Passion Fruit by Brouwerij De Brabandere
solid sour. not super passion fruit but pretty acidic

tgi24 is drinking a Bavik Super Pils by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Yard House Willow Grove - Willow Grove Park Mall

Bruno Caldeira is drinking a Petrus Roodbruin (Oud Bruin) by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Estação Valhala
Complexa e leve ao mesmo tempo. Possui um caráter maltado bem aparente, trazendo frutas secas e toffee, ela possui uma acidez de baixa intensidade e algo que remete madeira. Muito Boa cerveja!!!

Corey Staph is drinking a Petrus Sour Passion Fruit by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Yard House Friendswood - Baybrook Mall
Purchased at Yard House Friendswood - Baybrook Mall

Ashley Cee is drinking a Bavik Super Pils by Brouwerij De Brabandere at La Pharmacie
Purchased at La Pharmacie

Some Beer Guy is drinking an Old Chicago Winter Sour by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Old Chicago - Billings
No pic. FM: Cherries, raspberries, vanilla & subtle oak on the nose. Taste brings the aroma to life, getting some notes of plum & blackberry joining the mentioned flavors. Moderately low sourness, but the right amount of acidic funkiness.
Purchased at Old Chicago - Billings

Tobey Blondin is drinking a Lowlands House Sour by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Café Hollander

Enri Jopia is drinking a Petrus Red by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Ramen Kintaro

David George is drinking a Petrus Roodbruin (Oud Bruin) by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Untappd at Home
Another Belgian classic.Very light on the sour/vinegar scale. Been awhile on this one

Dan Riolo is drinking a Petrus Cherry Chocolate Nitro Quad by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Yard House New York - Times Square
Purchased at Yard House New York - Times Square

Chad Brightwell is drinking a Bavik Super Pils by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Yard House Greenville - Magnolia Park
Light & malty. Great with any food
Purchased at Yard House Greenville - Magnolia Park

Don Kostuck is drinking a Petrus Cherry Chocolate Nitro Quad by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Meddlesome Moth
Purchased at Meddlesome Moth

Kirill Senatrev is drinking a Bavik Super Wit by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Untappd at Home

Manolifero is drinking a Petrus Tripel by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Untappd at Home

Robbert van Vulpen is drinking a Petrus BDX by Brouwerij De Brabandere at Beer Palace Da Hood