5.5% ABV
34 IBU
110 Ratings
HiroT is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at 酒のスマイル 小禄店
Yuta Okajima is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing
Anthony is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at isetan craft beer bar
A little bitter aftertaste but easily drank
Purchased at isetan craft beer bar
John Linke is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Untappd at Home
As soon as I saw the logo this had ‘Nagoya’ written all over it and I was correct. It does come reminiscent of a Low Countries style lager which is easier to bridge if you’ve recently converted your brewing tanks from IPA’s
Purchased at FamilyMart (ファミリーマート 金沢八景駅前店)
Jakares Itharat is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Y.MARKET BREWING 名古屋西
Alexander is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Y.MARKET BREWING KITCHEN
Enoch Ng is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Craft Beer Bar Marciero
koki55 is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Y.MARKET BREWING 名古屋西
juncoba is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Untappd at Home
hide_aka_spt is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Untappd at Home
Andre B. is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at Nagoya Castle (名古屋城)
Ralf Tseng is drinking a HOPPING SHACHI by Y.Market Brewing at エールエールギフ