6.5% ABV
134 Ratings
karl Ulvan Hilt is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Skaret, Oppdal
Fergus Bartley is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Carry Out
Sean O'Reilly is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Martin's Off licence
Bob Belcher is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing
Vinnie O’Shea is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Bene is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Porterhouse Temple Bar
Chris Shannon is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
John Stephens is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Earthy. Some smokiness.
Purchased at Mace
krzykistg is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Peter is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Martin's Off licence
Marc O'Sullivan is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Paul O'Sullivan is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing
Sven Solberg is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing
Purchased at Matson's Wine Store (Youghal)
Thomas Kees is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Audley Place (The Best View Of Cork)
Smaakvol, relatief mild
Hank The Finn is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Martin's Off licence
Tiago A is drinking an Afternoon Delight by Third Barrel Brewing at Untappd at Home
Roasty, coffee aroma with a fresh citrus note. Dark chocolate, burnt toast, roasty, a nice orange zest kick bringing some zing and acidity and to finish a strong, bitter, coffee and vegetable bitterness.
Purchased at CraftCentral.ie
Dark pour with a ton of sparkling foam that retreats into a thin layer of lace. The aroma gives away refreshing notes of citrus, while the flavour profile is somewhere between roasty coffee and sweet malts. Dry in the end, a subtle lemony hint reappears
Purchased at The Wine Centre & Sullivan's Taproom