6.7% ABV
44 IBU
2,751 Ratings
Shane McDonald is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Harland Funeral Home
Joe Scala is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at 1846 Tavern
Andy Sparks is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Untappd at Home
Amy M is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Stone Corral Brewery
Will Towle is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Stone Corral Brewery
They poured a Bad Rooster by mistake so I'm taking one for the team and drinking it for free. One of my favorites anyway.😄
C K is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Untappd at Home
Scott Deyo is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Stone Corral Brewery
Geff Hinds is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Stone Corral Brewery
Michael Swett is drinking a Bad Rooster IPA by Stone Corral at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Brattleboro Food Co-op