12.7% ABV
45 IBU
54,026 Ratings
René den Otter is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Sam Kunst is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Rich W is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Happy Times at Southern Spirits
On tap? OG keg from 2012? Huh?
Andre de Valcke is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Dranken Verheyen-Moonen
Jesper Hammerstrøm is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co.
From Ratebeer. 07-DEC-2018, bottle @home, from Boxbeers. Beautiful amber. More to the red side than the brown. Lasting, off-white head. Lovely Bourbon and malt aroma. Taste equaly great. Bourbon, caramel, tobacho, nuts, and hops. Full body, sweet, bitt
Gavin Miller is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Founders Brewing Co.
Dion van der Ent is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co.
Stijn Tijdhof is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Bourgondische Bierkelder
Kevin Johnson is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Mud Lounge
Dean Clohesy is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Finally aging, but still good
Purchased at Purvis Beer
D K is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at D&D brewery
Stu is drinking a Curmudgeon's Better Half by Founders Brewing Co. at The Dudes Abode
Wow, boozy and maple goodness. Nice on a chilly day.