12.75% ABV
126 Ratings
Robert Leichter is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Oak & Steel
Leonard Booth is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Oak & Steel
Purchased at Alma Mader Brewing
Michael J is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Oak & Steel
Purchased at Alma Mader Brewing
Aaron Gabler is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Oak & Steel
Pat Hamell is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Oak & Steel
Purchased at Alma Mader Brewing
Bradley is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Oak & Steel
Purchased at Alma Mader Brewing
Leonard Booth is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Untappd at Home
Evan Wright is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Commerce Tower
David Odgers is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Taps On Symphony
Jeff Kranz is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing
Banger. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
Matt Riley is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing
Super maple heavy, nice barrel balance. Coconut does linger a little, then a dryness almost walnut, but still super maple!
Woody Johnson is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Untappd at Home
Matthew Rehfeldt is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing
Fred Wallbillick is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing
Adjunct heavy, but coconut is great on thjs.
Tim is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing
7 months later everything is a little more subdued except the cinnamon. Still a great beer, but it's a good example of why beers--especially adjunct beers--are almost always best fresh.
richard is drinking a Dormant Crown by Alma Mader Brewing at Brown Bag Liquor
Members boss pour. Big and beautiful, sweet dark chocolate syrup and modest cinnamon lead when cold, lingering marshmallowy coconut. Very smooth with nearly no heat at 12.8%. barleywine/stout mashup makes a wonderful strong ale, nicely blended barrel. 4.4
Drinking great! Less cinnamon than fresh more in aroma now, everything is landing evenly with coconut more in the front and sweet maple syrup lasting with the roasty barleywine ish finish. Very smooth at 13% but sweet enough to be a slow sipper.