12.3% ABV
159 Ratings
Chrille Andersson is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks
Philthy Fil is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Untappd at Home
Time for a mead! Like many of today's meads it's way too sweet, but the rich raspberry fruitiness makes up for that a bit. I'm somewhat puzzled by the mead class - braggot. A braggot mead is supposed to be a mead without fruit or berries, but I like it!
Johan Berner is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Untappd at Home
Peter Olsson is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Svedala Chark & Grill AB
Joel Francen is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks
Xerxes Almqvist is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Sjätte Tunnan Framsida & Matbar
smokeybadger is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks
Teodor Ganestål is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Untappd at Home
Johan is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks
Julkalender lucka nr 24
Purchased at Systembolaget
P T is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks
Victoria da Silva is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Sjätte Tunnan Framsida & Matbar
Jonatan Francen is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks
Fredrik Osterstrom is drinking an Imperial Wild Raspberry by Ability Drinks at Rotary Pub