Bridget Stellers: Wish I was in FL drinking with ya!
Global Recent Activity

David is drinking a 1718 Red Ale by 1718 Brewing at Tortuga's Lie
Purchased at Tortuga's Lie

greg birsinger is drinking a 1718 Red Ale by 1718 Brewing at TRiO Wine Beer & Cheese

Old_Soldier is drinking a Needs More Cowbell by 1718 Brewing at Corolla SideBar
Purchased at Corolla SideBar

Kevin W. is drinking a Ramp 72 by 1718 Brewing at Untappd at Home

Chip Galusha is drinking a Pretty Work by 1718 Brewing at Tapped
Purchased at Tapped

Mark Bernecker is drinking a Pretty Work by 1718 Brewing at Tortuga's Lie

Tammy Pittman is drinking a Vera-Cruz by 1718 Brewing at Tapped

TJ T is drinking a Mexican Chocolate Stout by 1718 Brewing at Blue Moon Beach Grill
Very chocolaty example. Does not disappoint

Wes V is drinking a Kalifornia Krush by 1718 Brewing at Cockeyed Clam

Jeremy Gruzd is drinking a Mexican Chocolate Stout by 1718 Brewing at TRiO Wine Beer & Cheese
Purchased at TRiO Wine Beer & Cheese

Dave S is drinking a Notorious FIG by 1718 Brewing at Beachcomber

Colin Rafferty is drinking a Kalifornia Krush by 1718 Brewing at Tortuga's Lie
Eminently drinkable. Great hops level and flavor.
Purchased at Tortuga's Lie

Purchased at Tortuga's Lie