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Saint-Peterburg Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург ( Map )

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Saint-Peterburg Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург (Map)

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Last Updated 02/08/25

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  • 102 Unique
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Last Updated 02/08/25

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Recent Activity

Diet Plan: Drink Again! by DIETA / ДИЕТА

Anna Sudnitsyna is drinking a Diet Plan: Drink Again! by DIETA / ДИЕТА at VarCraftBar

Can Can

Riding Steady (Level 5) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 5) badge! For the Can (Level 10) Earned the For the Can (Level 10) badge!

Check-in Photo

Hell Cat by Brew Garage 78

Denis Zheleztsov is drinking a Hell Cat by Brew Garage 78 at VarCraftBar


Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 53) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 53) badge! 2X (Level 21) Earned the 2X (Level 21) badge!
Tagged Friends

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ICE FISHING by Big Village Brewery

Anna Sudnitsyna is drinking an ICE FISHING by Big Village Brewery at VarCraftBar

Can Can

I Believe in IPA! (Level 32) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 32) badge!
ICE FISHING by Big Village Brewery

Denis Zheleztsov is drinking an ICE FISHING by Big Village Brewery at VarCraftBar


Can Can

Bar Explorer (Level 15) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 15) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Кимчи by White Stone

Андрей Федоровский is drinking a Кимчи by White Stone at VarCraftBar

Приятный, морковный цвет! Во вкусе наблюдается квашеная капуста, на послевкусии масло из под моркови по корейски! Можно было- бы поставит 10 поставил бы смело! В меру остро, в меру кисло.

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 3) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

Mellow Dream by Plan B Brewery

Андрей Федоровский is drinking a Mellow Dream by Plan B Brewery at VarCraftBar

Очень мягкий и ровный шоколадный вкус. Тёплое послевкусие. Я не фанат стаутов, но эта валына залетела на ура! Горечи тут в меру, думаю, что шоколад её очень хорошо гасит.

Can Can

Beer of the World (Level 2) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 2) badge!

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Андрей Федоровский is drinking an ANOTHER LIFE by COVEN BREWERY at VarCraftBar

Брусника отлично вяжет рот! Отличный баланс ягод, стойкое, гранатовое послевкусие, очень хорошо!

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew (Level 3) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

Боровик by White Stone

Андрей Федоровский is drinking a Боровик by White Stone at VarCraftBar

Не много островатый гозе. С лёгкой горчинкой и кислинкой. Отличное сочетание грибов и томатов! Абсолютно не напряжное, как будто можно его часами пить и кайфовать!

Can Can

For the Can (Level 2) Earned the For the Can (Level 2) badge!

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Отличный План by Plan B Brewery

Maks Gulyaev is drinking a Отличный План by Plan B Brewery at VarCraftBar

Отличный план. Хмелено, с горечью, и суховато

Purchased at VarCraftBar

Draft Draft

I Believe in IPA! (Level 54) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 54) badge!

_jynjynlovebeer_ is drinking a ПАНЧО by КУЛИNAR at VarCraftBar

Can Can

Middle of the Road Earned the Middle of the Road badge! Brewery Pioneer (Level 2) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 2) badge!

Check-in Photo

Sherbet (Черника, Клюква, Малина) by White Stone

_jynjynlovebeer_ is drinking a Sherbet (Черника, Клюква, Малина) by White Stone at VarCraftBar

Can Can

Untappd 14th Anniversary Earned the Untappd 14th Anniversary badge! Night Out Earned the Night Out badge! Hopped Down Earned the Hopped Down badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 2) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 2) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 2) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 2) badge!

Check-in Photo

Potato Day by 4BREWERS

Katerina Kaminskaya is drinking a Potato Day by 4BREWERS at VarCraftBar

Вкус пюрешки из стаканчика

Purchased at VarCraftBar

Can Can

Bar Explorer Earned the Bar Explorer badge! For the Can (Level 2) Earned the For the Can (Level 2) badge! What Gose Round Earned the What Gose Round badge!

Андрей Федоровский is drinking a WHERE DID THE ANGELS GO? by COVEN BREWERY at VarCraftBar

Действительно как мороженое, банан с мороженым на первом плане, далее догоняет отличная дыня.

Draft Draft

Sherbet (Черника, Клюква, Малина) by White Stone

Андрей Федоровский is drinking a Sherbet (Черника, Клюква, Малина) by White Stone at VarCraftBar

Приятная консистенция, есть ощущение, что пьешь растаявший Щербет! Это восторг! Молодцы ребята ♥️

Bottle Bottle

Middle of the Road (Level 2) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 2) badge! Hopped Down Earned the Hopped Down badge! Pucker Up (Level 2) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 2) badge!
Juicy Smoothie You Deserve: Mango by DIETA / ДИЕТА

Roman Batrakov is drinking a Juicy Smoothie You Deserve: Mango by DIETA / ДИЕТА at VarCraftBar

Purchased at VarCraftBar

Can Can

Local Flavor Earned the Local Flavor badge! Middle of the Road (Level 8) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 8) badge! Pucker Up (Level 6) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 6) badge! Dessert Time! (Level 5) Earned the Dessert Time! (Level 5) badge!
Танцуй, пока молодой by White Stone

Андрей Федоровский is drinking a Танцуй, пока молодой by White Stone at VarCraftBar

Хорошая дипа. Не надоедает. Это моя третья банка за вечер, так что сами понимаете, берите и пейте!

Can Can

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