
keith_becker's Recent Activity

5 Whistle Wheat Ale w/ Blueberry by Breaker Brewing Company

keith_becker is drinking a 5 Whistle Wheat Ale w/ Blueberry by Breaker Brewing Company

Taster Taster

Taste Crazy Earned the Taste Crazy badge! Riding Steady Earned the Riding Steady badge! Taster, Please Earned the Taster, Please badge! Wheel of Styles Earned the Wheel of Styles badge!
Lunch Pail Ale by Breaker Brewing Company

keith_becker is drinking a Lunch Pail Ale by Breaker Brewing Company

Local Flavor Earned the Local Flavor badge! Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 2) Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 2) badge! Land of the Free Earned the Land of the Free badge!