
Scott's Recent Activity

Bruce Banner #3: OG Kush by Lost Cabin Beer Co.

Scott Ladenburger is drinking a Bruce Banner #3: OG Kush by Lost Cabin Beer Co.

Shared a Crowler with Mom and Jeanne

Purchased at Lost Cabin Beer Co.

Can Can

Verified Adventure (Level 14) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 14) badge!
Drift Melter by White Elm Brewing Company

Scott Ladenburger is drinking a Drift Melter by White Elm Brewing Company

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 83) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 83) badge! For the Can (Level 62) Earned the For the Can (Level 62) badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 10) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 10) badge!