Charlie Edwards is drinking a Blood Red Irish by Frankenboltzzzz Brewing Co. at Frankenboltzzzz Brewing Co.
Purchased at Frankenboltzzzz Brewing Co.
Earned the Ales for ALS (2023) badge! Earned the Verified Adventure badge!Charlie Edwards is drinking an Elaine of Astolat's Elixir: Curuba Mango Pineapple by Excalibur Brewing at Excalibur Brewing
Earned the Middle of the Road badge!
Charlie Edwards is drinking a Blood Red Irish by Frankenboltzzzz Brewing Co. at Frankenboltzzzz Brewing Co.
Earned the Local Flavor badge!
Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 2) badge!
Earned the Draft City badge!
Earned the Land of the Free badge!
Purchased at Frankenboltzzzz Brewing Co.