10% ABV
16 Ratings
Mark DeDonato is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery
Lex Gordon is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Forgot to upload last night. There’s a lot going on and it’s an overwhelming beer but 2 years in a barrel gets all my respect.
Michael Jan is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Got the last “pour”
Joe C. is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Vanilla fades into caramel, maybe some raisin, but oh so smooth
steve is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Purchased at Solemn Oath Brewery
alison wonderland is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
I mean, wow. Smooth, slightly sweet, caramel, deep, scotch ale backbone. Second, loving the Gary Newman music - might be a new fave
Michael Jan is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
How is this still here? No matter... Cheers everyone.
Michael Jan is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Since it's still here....mmmmm
Brett Anderson is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Purchased at Solemn Oath Brewery
Len Egan is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Thick, syrupy, carmel flavor. Less boozy than expected. Amazing!
Brett Anderson is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Purchased at Solemn Oath Brewery
Michael Jan is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Good stuff. Yummy. Seth A. G. Where you at?
Purchased at Solemn Oath Brewery
James Miller is drinking a 2yr- Barrel Aged Telegraph by Solemn Oath Brewery at Solemn Oath Brewery
Purchased at Solemn Oath Brewery