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9915 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV ( Map )
(702) 435 - 9463
9915 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV (Map)
(702) 435 - 9463
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Check in to a beer at this location to unlock an exclusive badge!
10AM - 8PM
10AM - 8PM
10AM - 10PM
10AM - 10PM
10AM - 10PM
10AM - 10PM
10AM - 8PM
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Beer on Tap
Our tap list is ever rotating! Most Wednesday nights, starting at 6pm, we tap a few new beers and have a food truck outside for our customers. Check out our events list for more info on upcoming tappings!
16oz Draft $7.00 USD
16oz Draft $6.00 USD
8oz Draft $9.00 USD
16oz Draft $8.00 USD
8oz Draft $9.00 USD
8oz Draft $6.00 USD
16oz Draft $5.00 USD
16oz Draft $6.00 USD
8oz Draft $6.00 USD
8oz Draft $10.00 USD
8oz Draft $7.00 USD
16oz Draft $9.00 USD
16oz Draft $7.00 USD
16oz Draft $7.00 USD
8oz Draft
16oz Draft $6.00 USD
8oz Draft $7.00 USD
16oz Draft $6.00 USD