Recent Activity

Vincent Flanagan is drinking a Yakima Gold by Crouch Vale at CAMRA's Great British Beer Festival Winter

Laurie Brown is drinking an Amarillo by Crouch Vale at The Fat Cat

Kjetil V T is drinking a Blackwater Mild by Crouch Vale at CAMRA's Great British Beer Festival Winter
Mild og snill

Bryan Hirst is drinking a Blackwater Mild by Crouch Vale
Purchased at CAMRA's Great British Beer Festival Winter

Anthony Davies is drinking a Blackwater Mild by Crouch Vale at Magna
Purchased at CAMRA's Great British Beer Festival Winter

Tom Cox is drinking a Brewers Gold by Crouch Vale at The Crown Inn
Excellent gold

Matt Cooper is drinking a Yakima Gold by Crouch Vale at The Fat Cat

Clive M is drinking an Anchor Street Porter by Crouch Vale at Magna
GBBF DAY 2. Easy drinking porter. Not very high in roasted malts, but tasty all the same.

Martin Allchorne is drinking a Blackwater Mild by Crouch Vale at Magna

stephen_lister_3333 is drinking an Anchor Street Porter by Crouch Vale

Lewis Evans is drinking a Brewers Gold by Crouch Vale
This shit hits different. WOW

John Robertson is drinking an Anchor Street Porter by Crouch Vale at The Half Moon

Greg Steel is drinking a Blackwater Mild by Crouch Vale at Magna
Purchased at Magna

Pras Mahendra is drinking a Yakima Gold by Crouch Vale at The Beehive

John B is drinking a Summit by Crouch Vale at CAMRA's Great British Beer Festival Winter