Recent Activity
Igor Bazhanov is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider Export by Apple City Cider
Tony the 1/2Pint is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider Export by Apple City Cider
Igor Bazhanov is drinking an Almaty Dry-Hopped Cider by Apple City Cider
Казахский сидр. Ближе к Англии. Но с охмелением надо поработать. Да и анималистика сбивает
Chris Pursel is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider at Top Hop
Purchased at Top Hop
Max Tolstov is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider at Red Beer Bar
d m is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider Export by Apple City Cider at Untappd at Home
Легкий, достаточно яблочный во вкусе и аромате, без перебора по сладости
Den Smith is drinking an Almaty Dry-Hopped Cider by Apple City Cider
Tasty IPA style apple cider. Excellent.
Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 60) badge!TheBeardedMonster is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider at Bul Bar
vladimir m is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider
Брусника, дрожжи, компот яблочни. По документам сладкий, а по факту практически сухой, что хорошо. Даже и недурно, их драй хоппд понравился меньше
Evgeniya Kopachevskaya is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider Export by Apple City Cider at William Lawson's 13
Purchased at William Lawson's 13
Nikita Vershinin is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider Export by Apple City Cider at William Lawson's 13
Purchased at William Lawson's 13
Evgeniya Kopachevskaya is drinking an Almaty Dry-Hopped Cider by Apple City Cider at William Lawson's 13
Purchased at William Lawson's 13
Evgeniya Kopachevskaya is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider at William Lawson's 13
Purchased at William Lawson's 13
Nikita Vershinin is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider at William Lawson's 13
Purchased at William Lawson's 13
Nikita Vershinin is drinking an Almaty Dry-Hopped Cider by Apple City Cider at William Lawson's 13
Purchased at William Lawson's 13
Vyacheslav Syrovatsky is drinking an Almaty Wild Apple Cider by Apple City Cider at Pink
Purchased at Carefood