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Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Wine Shop, Liquor Store

Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag ( Map )

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Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag (Map)

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Last Updated 02/14/25

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  • 5,527 Total
  • 250 Unique
  • 61 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 02/14/25

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Recent Activity

Dahls Juleøl 4.5% by E.C. Dahls Bryggeri

Ida Husby is drinking a Dahls Juleøl 4.5% by E.C. Dahls Bryggeri at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Krydrete. God jul!

Taster Taster

Riding Steady (Level 8) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 8) badge! Taster, Please Earned the Taster, Please badge! Lager Jack (Level 2) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 2) badge!
Grevens Frukt by Hansa Borg Bryggerier

Ida Husby is drinking a Grevens Frukt by Hansa Borg Bryggerier at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Søt. Smaker som fruktsaft.

Can Can

For the Can (Level 4) Earned the For the Can (Level 4) badge! Johnny Appleseed Earned the Johnny Appleseed badge! Here Come the Vikings! (Level 6) Earned the Here Come the Vikings! (Level 6) badge!
Mack Juleøl Lite by Macks Ølbryggeri

Ida Husby is drinking a Mack Juleøl Lite by Macks Ølbryggeri at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Lett. Helt ok.

Happy Hour Hound Earned the Happy Hour Hound badge! Hopped Down (Level 3) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

Pils Pils Pils!  by HaandBryggeriet

Andre Jensen is drinking a Pils Pils Pils! by HaandBryggeriet at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Purchased at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Cheers To You! (Level 2) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 2) badge! Bar Explorer (Level 14) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 14) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 46) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 46) badge! Crisp as Day (Level 13) Earned the Crisp as Day (Level 13) badge!

Check-in Photo

Tank 7 by Boulevard Brewing Co.

Mats johan Andersen is drinking a Tank 7 by Boulevard Brewing Co. at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

den e rein å fin på smak, æ syns den e litt søt.. men æ like alko styrken på den...

Taster Taster

Trip to the Farm Earned the Trip to the Farm badge!

Check-in Photo

IPA Premium by Aass Bryggeri

Kristian Andreassen is drinking an IPA Premium by Aass Bryggeri at Vinmonopolet (Steinkjer)

Meget fyldig og fin med maltpreg som nesten dominerer over humla. Balansert bitterhet.

Bar Explorer (Level 14) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 14) badge!
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