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Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Wine Shop, Liquor Store, Shopping Mall

Jekta Storsenter Tromsø, Troms ( Map )

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Jekta Storsenter Tromsø, Troms (Map)

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Last Updated 02/13/25

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Last Updated 02/13/25

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Popular Beers

Recent Activity

Detour by Bådin

Tiina Ko is drinking a Detour by Bådin at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Todella vaalea olut. Tuoksuu humala ja sitruuna. Makea maku Rate med Synøve, Leif og Jip

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Pilsner by Bådin

Tiina Ko is drinking a Pilsner by Bådin at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Melkein läpinäkyvä kuohuava olut. Iloinen tölkkikuva. Ei tuoksu millekkään, ulkoterassi olut. Erittäin anonyymi maku Rate med Synøve, Leif og Jip

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Gelato XTREME: Verde by Funky Fluid

Per-Steinar Johansen is drinking a Gelato XTREME: Verde by Funky Fluid at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Tropisk nektar😭 Flat og kjedelig😭

Purchased at Den Kåte Katta Ezsther

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Palate Peak: Sour - Smoothie / Pastry Earned the Palate Peak: Sour - Smoothie / Pastry badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 68) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 68) badge! Dessert Time! (Level 16) Earned the Dessert Time! (Level 16) badge!

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Barracuda Black IPA by Graff Brygghus

Richard Rømcke is drinking a Barracuda Black IPA by Graff Brygghus at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Min første black ipa? God men annerledes

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I Believe in IPA! (Level 32) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 32) badge!
Kosmos by Põhjala

Richard Rømcke is drinking a Kosmos by Põhjala at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)


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Haze for Days (Level 7) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 7) badge!

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1314 Brown Ale by St. Hallvards Bryggeri AS

Leif Lunde is drinking a 1314 Brown Ale by St. Hallvards Bryggeri AS at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Mørkebrun med rødskjær og mye beige skum som daler fort og legger seg rundt kanten. Malt sjokolade karamell noe metalisk. Smak malt sjokolade karamell nøtter noe kjemisk gjær. Fin fylde, god sødme, men noe kjemisk i aroma og smak. Mulig jeg er uheldig med

Purchased at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

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1624 Saison by St. Hallvards Bryggeri AS

Leif Lunde is drinking a 1624 Saison by St. Hallvards Bryggeri AS at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Sløret gylden med hvitt skum som daler fort og legger seg som ett slør. Aroma hvetemalt gjær sitrus humle krydder. Smak hvetemalt koriander humle sitrus gjær banan. Frisk, fruktig, balansert, noe høyt karbonert. Godt øl

Purchased at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

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New Brew Thursday  (Level 31) Earned the New Brew Thursday (Level 31) badge! Trip to the Farm (Level 23) Earned the Trip to the Farm (Level 23) badge!

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Satan Gold by Brouwerij De Block

Lene Hansen is drinking a Satan Gold by Brouwerij De Block at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Purchased at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer Earned the Brewery Pioneer badge! Beer of the World Earned the Beer of the World badge! Wheel of Styles Earned the Wheel of Styles badge!

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Punk IPA by BrewDog

Tom Hansen is drinking a Punk IPA by BrewDog at Vinmonopolet (Langnes)

Decant amounts of hops but a little stained, taste alot of tropical flavours and surprisingly a pleasant after taste of Lychee, kinda like a hoppy bubblebeer if had been such a thing 😜

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Middle of the Road Earned the Middle of the Road badge!

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