
The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Restaurant, Pizza Place, Bar

3115 W Bancroft Street Toledo, OH ( Map )

3115 W Bancroft Street Toledo, OH (Map)

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  • Monday

    11AM - 9PM

  • Tuesday

    11AM - 10PM

  • Wednesday

    11AM - 10PM

  • Thursday

    11AM - 10PM

  • Friday

    11AM - 11PM

  • Saturday

    11AM - 11PM

  • Sunday

    11AM - 9PM


  • Payment Types: Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Check, Cash, Apple Pay
  • Food Served
  • Kegs
  • Nitro
  • Wine
  • Cocktails
  • Outdoor Seating
  • Child Friendly

Venue Stats (?)

  • 2,559 Total
  • 1,048 Unique
  • 27 Monthly
  • 0 You

Your Recent Activity

Cran Orange Wheat by Great Lakes Brewing Company

Eric Hinkle is drinking a Cran Orange Wheat by Great Lakes Brewing Company at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Bar Explorer (Level 6) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 6) badge! Fruits of Your Labor Earned the Fruits of Your Labor badge!
Baked Oat Stout by Moeller Brew Barn

Grant Rayfield is drinking a Baked Oat Stout by Moeller Brew Barn at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Draft Draft

Oat of this World! (Level 3) Earned the Oat of this World! (Level 3) badge!
Tagged Friends
Belgian White by Shock Top Brewing Co.

Josh Ludeker is drinking a Belgian White by Shock Top Brewing Co. at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Draft Draft

Night Out Earned the Night Out badge! Cheers To You! (Level 3) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 3) badge!
Chillwave Double IPA by Great Lakes Brewing Company

Aaron Bieszczad is drinking a Chillwave Double IPA by Great Lakes Brewing Company at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Pregaming for the Rockets 🚀 🏀 game tonight.

Draft Draft

Hopped Up (Level 18) Earned the Hopped Up (Level 18) badge! Draft City (Level 47) Earned the Draft City (Level 47) badge! 2X (Level 66) Earned the 2X (Level 66) badge!

Check-in Photo

Two Hearted IPA by Bell’s Brewery

Reese Kubista is drinking a Two Hearted IPA by Bell’s Brewery at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Draft Draft

Night Out Earned the Night Out badge! Newbie Earned the Newbie badge! Cheers To You! (Level 2) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 2) badge! Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries badge!
The Beast of Both Worlds by Lagunitas Brewing Company

Dan Dillon is drinking The Beast of Both Worlds by Lagunitas Brewing Company at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

I’d get it again

Purchased at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 20) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 20) badge! 2X (Level 5) Earned the 2X (Level 5) badge!
Bonfire Brown by Saugatuck Brewing Company

Schmoe WynMoe is drinking a Bonfire Brown by Saugatuck Brewing Company at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Purchased at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Draft Draft

Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 85) Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 85) badge! Bravo for Brown (Level 8) Earned the Bravo for Brown (Level 8) badge!
Tagged Friends
The Beast of Both Worlds by Lagunitas Brewing Company

Dave Schultz is drinking The Beast of Both Worlds by Lagunitas Brewing Company at The Stubborn Brother Pizza Bar

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 77) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 77) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 50) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 50) badge!
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