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Sophisticated Hound


833 Mercer Princeton, WV ( Map )

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833 Mercer Princeton, WV (Map)

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Last Updated 02/02/25

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  • 1,500 Total
  • 462 Unique
  • 7 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 02/02/25

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Your Recent Activity

Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord

David Smith is drinking a Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound


Draft Draft

Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 5) Earned the Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 5) badge!
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Dissertation by Bōc•Hord

David Smith is drinking a Dissertation by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Bar Explorer (Level 64) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 64) badge! 2X (Level 36) Earned the 2X (Level 36) badge! Find the Source (Level 22) Earned the Find the Source (Level 22) badge!
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Dissertation by Bōc•Hord

Maria Mullins is drinking a Dissertation by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 53) Earned the Draft City (Level 53) badge! Land of the Free (Level 73) Earned the Land of the Free (Level 73) badge!
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Dissertation by Bōc•Hord

Carl MacVean is drinking a Dissertation by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 59) Earned the Draft City (Level 59) badge!
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Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord

Wendy Ma is drinking a Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Enjoying this dunkel and personality of this local brewery in Princeton, WV en route to SC!

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Photogenic Brew  (Level 35) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 35) badge! Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 3) Earned the Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 3) badge!

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Bitter Queen by Bōc•Hord

Joe Ma is drinking a Bitter Queen by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Draft Draft

You're Extra Special (Level 6) Earned the You're Extra Special (Level 6) badge!
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Dissertation by Bōc•Hord

Pete Ortiz is drinking a Dissertation by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

The Brewer here knows his stuff. All styles were well done and this was no exception. 3.5hr drive isn't always possible but if I am out this way again, I will be back

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Draft Draft

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Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord

Pete Ortiz is drinking a Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Really well done! Even has a nice spice note in there

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Draft Draft

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Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord

Scott Klimek is drinking a Nocte Sermones by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

It’s a dubbel that tastes like a standard coffee porter. Dry with good coffee notes.

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Taster Taster

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Golden Goose Ale by Bōc•Hord

Scott Klimek is drinking a Golden Goose Ale by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

As far as golden ales go., this is standard one. Nice flavour. Slight lemon and a small amount of sweetness with some dryness. A good summer beer.

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Taster Taster

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Golden Goose Ale by Bōc•Hord

Pete Ortiz is drinking a Golden Goose Ale by Bōc•Hord at Sophisticated Hound

Good start. The brewery doesn't appear to be listed. Maybe the one I chose was the one before. Same address

Purchased at Sophisticated Hound

Draft Draft

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