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просп. Лобановського, 4Д Київ, м. Київ ( Map )

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просп. Лобановського, 4Д Київ, м. Київ (Map)

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Last Updated 11/29/24

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  • 41 Total
  • 12 Unique
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Last Updated 11/29/24

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Recent Activity

Templářské tajemné pivo Lager / Tamplier Lager by Woodmin

Volkodlak is drinking a Templářské tajemné pivo Lager / Tamplier Lager by Woodmin at NOVUS

Purchased at NOVUS

Draft Draft

Riding Steady (Level 73) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 73) badge!
TWIST Strawberry Milkshake IPA by Волинський бровар

Антон Николенко is drinking a TWIST Strawberry Milkshake IPA by Волинський бровар at NOVUS

В аромате клубничное варенько,во вкусе тоже есть,милкшейковости как то мало.но!!!за такую цену,довольно не плохо

Bottle Bottle

Middle of the Road (Level 13) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 13) badge!
Icelandic Wee Heavy by Einstök Ölgerð

Антон Николенко is drinking an Icelandic Wee Heavy by Einstök Ölgerð at NOVUS

Охх это хорошо,местами слегка напоминает Бельгию

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Хмільна мері by Rodbrau

Наталия Чибисова is drinking a Хмільна мері by Rodbrau at NOVUS

Сперва ординарное ржаное, но затем вкус играет гранями кислинки томата и перчинка в конце, в послевкусии легкая горчинка. Очень необычно.

Purchased at NOVUS

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 8) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 8) badge! Hopped Down (Level 4) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 4) badge!

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Forest Black IPA by Волинський бровар

Антон Николенко is drinking a Forest Black IPA by Волинський бровар at NOVUS

Есть какие то ёлки в аромате от ипы мало чего

Bottle Bottle

Cheers To You! Earned the Cheers To You! badge! 99 Bottles (Level 2) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 2) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 4) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 4) badge!
Icelandic Toasted Porter by Einstök Ölgerð

Антон Николенко is drinking an Icelandic Toasted Porter by Einstök Ölgerð at NOVUS

Хорош,сухофрукты приятные

Bottle Bottle

Photogenic Brew (Level 4) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 4) badge! Heavy Weight Earned the Heavy Weight badge!

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Miller Genuine Draft by Miller Brewing Company

Антон Николенко is drinking a Miller Genuine Draft by Miller Brewing Company at NOVUS

Какая то терпкость...такоооеее

Can Can

For the Can Earned the For the Can badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 4) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 4) badge! Land of the Free Earned the Land of the Free badge!
Hobgoblin Gold by Marston's Brewery

Антон Николенко is drinking a Hobgoblin Gold by Marston's Brewery at NOVUS

Шось Воно кислить

Bottle Bottle

Photogenic Brew (Level 2) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 2) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 2) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 2) badge!

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