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Miners Peg

Gastropub, Pub, Restaurant

Ingram Rd Skelmersdale, United Kingdom ( Map )

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Last Updated 11/17/23

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Venue Stats (?)

  • 37 Total
  • 12 Unique
  • 0 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 11/17/23

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Recent Activity

Shipyard Low Tide by Marston's Brewery

Ste is drinking a Shipyard Low Tide by Marston's Brewery at Miners Peg

Purchased at Miners Peg

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 28) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 28) badge!
Beck's by Brauerei Beck

Grant Richardson is drinking a Beck's by Brauerei Beck at Miners Peg

Draft Draft

Bar Explorer (Level 8) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 8) badge! Ye Olde Pub (Level 3) Earned the Ye Olde Pub (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

Stella Artois by Stella Artois

Miss Sunshine is drinking a Stella Artois by Stella Artois at Miners Peg

Anniversary Tick

Draft Draft

Beer of the World (Level 6) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 6) badge! Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

San Miguel (5.0%) by Carlsberg UK

Keith is drinking a San Miguel (5.0%) by Carlsberg UK at Miners Peg

Nice one in The Pegged Miner!

Draft Draft

Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni

Keith is drinking a Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni at Miners Peg

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew (Level 71) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 71) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni

Miss Sunshine is drinking a Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni at Miners Peg

First pint in Keith’s potential new local

Draft Draft

Ye Olde Pub (Level 4) Earned the Ye Olde Pub (Level 4) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

San Miguel (5.0%) by Carlsberg UK

Keith is drinking a San Miguel (5.0%) by Carlsberg UK at Miners Peg

Reconnaissance mission!

Draft Draft

Bar Explorer (Level 21) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 21) badge! Beer Foodie (Level 4) Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 4) badge! Ye Olde Pub (Level 13) Earned the Ye Olde Pub (Level 13) badge!

Check-in Photo

Wainwright The Golden Beer by Marston's Brewery

Martyn Powell is drinking a Wainwright The Golden Beer by Marston's Brewery at Miners Peg

Not how I remember.

Cask Cask

Beer Foodie (Level 21) Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 21) badge! Caskville (Level 8) Earned the Caskville (Level 8) badge!

Check-in Photo

Foster's Lager by Carlton & United Breweries

Martyn Powell is drinking a Foster's Lager by Carlton & United Breweries at Miners Peg

I hate myself but it's hot and this was literally the best option.

Draft Draft

Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni

Andy is drinking a Nastro Azzurro by Birra Peroni at Miners Peg

Skem work field trip.

Purchased at Miners Peg

Draft Draft

Go Premium Lager Earned the Go Premium Lager badge!
Pedigree by Marston's Brewery

Andy Walker is drinking a Pedigree by Marston's Brewery at Miners Peg

Draft Draft

Bar Explorer (Level 11) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 11) badge! Beer Foodie (Level 5) Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 5) badge!
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