


Tallinn, Harju maakond ( Map )

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Recent Activity

Choco Loco by Saue Õlleköök

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Choco Loco by Saue Õlleköök at Kristiine

Lõhn hapukasmõrkjas, magusus, üliõrn röst, kamatahvel, lahja kohv, piimašokolaad, laualapp. Maitse vesine, mõrkjas, kohvipuru, röst, metalne

Purchased at Kaubamaja Toidumaailm

Bottle Bottle

New Brew Thursday  (Level 50) Earned the New Brew Thursday (Level 50) badge!

Check-in Photo

Lapin Kulta Pure by Hartwall

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Lapin Kulta Pure by Hartwall at Kristiine

Lõhn mõrkjasmagus, Carlsbergilik, leivane, heinane, Kelloggsi maisihelbed. Maitse mõrkjasmagus, märg papp, pisut rohune, viljane, vesine.

Purchased at Kaubamaja Toidumaailm

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Wish You Were Beer by Anderson's Brewery

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Wish You Were Beer by Anderson's Brewery at Kristiine

Lõhn hapukas, kurk, sidrun. Maitse hapukas, sidrun, kurk, õrnalt soola, samas veidi vesine. Jääb liiga kergeks, lahjaks, maitsetuks kahjuks.

Purchased at Taptap Tallinn

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Barley Bros With Nordic Berries & Rosemary by Utenos Alus

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Barley Bros With Nordic Berries & Rosemary by Utenos Alus at Kristiine

Lõhn magus, marjamahl. Maitse magus, linnaseline, marjamahl, vesine, lõpp lame, lääge, lahtunud. Halb nii limpsina kui ka alkovaba õllena.

Purchased at Merimetsa Selver

Can Can

Check-in Photo

Barley Bros With Nordic Berries & Rosemary by Utenos Alus

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Barley Bros With Nordic Berries & Rosemary by Utenos Alus at Kristiine

Lõhn magus, marjamahl. Maitse magus, linnaseline, marjamahl, vesine, lõpp lame, lääge, lahtunud. Halb nii limpsina kui ka alkovaba õllena.

Purchased at Merimetsa Selver

Can Can

Check-in Photo

Barley Bros With Lime & Elderflower by Utenos Alus

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Barley Bros With Lime & Elderflower by Utenos Alus at Kristiine

Lõhn magushapukas, sidrun, laim, Sprite, nõudepesuvahend. Maitse vesine, kehatu, lahja suhkruvesi, tehislik sidrun, sidrunikoor. Kehv limps.

Purchased at Merimetsa Selver

Can Can

Check-in Photo

Barley Bros With Lime & Elderflower by Utenos Alus

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Barley Bros With Lime & Elderflower by Utenos Alus at Kristiine

Lõhn magushapukas, sidrun, laim, Sprite, nõudepesuvahend. Maitse vesine, kehatu, lahja suhkruvesi, tehislik sidrun, sidrunikoor. Kehv limps.

Purchased at Merimetsa Selver

Can Can

Check-in Photo

Chocolate Porter by A. Le Coq

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Chocolate Porter by A. Le Coq at Kristiine

Lõhn magus, tume, šokolaadine, kakao, vanill?, Pealinna kook. Maitse kerge, lahja, veidi vesine, õrn röst, kohvine, šokolaad, kakao, koorene

Purchased at Merimetsa Selver

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Raspberry Ale by A. Le Coq

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Raspberry Ale by A. Le Coq at Kristiine

Lõhn magus, marjane limonaad, vaarikamoos, -morss. Maitse magus, vesine, maasika-vaarikamorss, -moos. Lõpp häirivalt kirbe, mõru, puukoor.

Purchased at Merimetsa Selver

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Bootleg Theatre by Põhjala

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Bootleg Theatre by Põhjala at Kristiine

Lõhn mõru, puuviljane, tsitruseline, greibikoor, õrnalt rukist? Maitse algul kerge, vesine, siis mõrkjas, apelsinikoor, laktoos?, rohune? Ok

Purchased at BrewDog Tallinn

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Vegan by Pöide

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Vegan by Pöide at Kristiine

Lõhn magusmõrkjas, linnaseline, kaeraküpsis, kerge röst, šokolaad. Maitse kerge, vesine, kaerahelbed, šokoladilinnased, kerge röst, õrn kohv

Purchased at Calle

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Ipalowsky 2 by Mäepea

Urmas Neeme is drinking an Ipalowsky 2 by Mäepea at Kristiine

Lõhn mõrkjasmagus, pärmine, humalane, apelsinikoor. Maitse mõrkjashapukas, pärmine, sepik, hibiskus, kibuvitsamarjad, jõhvikad?, lõpp mõrum.

Purchased at 100 Õlle Koht

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Berry by Magners Irish Cider

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Berry by Magners Irish Cider at Kristiine

Lõhn ülimagus, siirupine, maasikamoos. Maitse algul vesine, lahja, siis magus, maasika-, vaarika-, sõstramorss, marjamaitseline lutsukomm.

Bottle Bottle

Luck of the Irish (Level 3) Earned the Luck of the Irish (Level 3) badge!
Ekologisk Fläder & Lime (Organic Elderflower & Lime) (4.5%) by Herrljunga Cider

Urmas Neeme is drinking an Ekologisk Fläder & Lime (Organic Elderflower & Lime) (4.5%) by Herrljunga Cider at Kristiine

Lõhn magus limonaad, Sprite, laim leedrimarjad, üliõrn münt? Maitse magus, lahja limonaad, vesine, kergelt leedrimarju, laimi, münti? Random

Bottle Bottle

Johnny Appleseed (Level 13) Earned the Johnny Appleseed (Level 13) badge!

Check-in Photo

Fortezza Nuova by Birrificio Clandestino

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Fortezza Nuova by Birrificio Clandestino at Kristiine

Lõhn magus, karamell, õunamoos, iiris, mesi, alkohol, tammevaat?, vanill? Maitse boozy, mõrkjasmagus, karamell, iiris, veinikork, meesai. Ok

Purchased at Uba ja Humal

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 35) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 35) badge!

Check-in Photo

Duck Diving by Brewski

Urmas Neeme is drinking a Duck Diving by Brewski at Kristiine

Lõhn aniis, lagrits, köharohi, magushapukas, vaarikad. Maitse vesine, magushapukas, lagritsakommid, vaarikamorss. Huvitav idee, teostus igav

Purchased at Taptap Tallinn

Can Can

For the Can (Level 70) Earned the For the Can (Level 70) badge! What Gose Round (Level 8) Earned the What Gose Round (Level 8) badge! Swedish Brews  (Level 26) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 26) badge!

Check-in Photo

Original Crisp by Louis Raison

Urmas Neeme is drinking an Original Crisp by Louis Raison at Kristiine

Lõhn magus. Maitse hapukasmagus. Päris hea õunasiider.

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

French Cidre by Louis Raison

Urmas Neeme is drinking a French Cidre by Louis Raison at Kristiine

Lõhn magus. Maitse hapukasmagus. Päris hea õunasiider.

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Original Crisp by Louis Raison

Urmas Neeme is drinking an Original Crisp by Louis Raison at Kristiine

Lõhn magus. Maitse hapukasmagus. Päris hea õunasiider.

Bottle Bottle

La Crème de la Crème (Level 3) Earned the La Crème de la Crème (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo

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