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Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Brewery, Beer Garden

2705 Calle Costa Rica Independencia, Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile ( Map )

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2705 Calle Costa Rica Independencia, Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile (Map)

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Last Updated 08/24/24

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  • 60 Total
  • 22 Unique
  • 0 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 08/24/24

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Recent Activity

...Y Gracias Por Los Lúpulos by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Francisco Fuentes is drinking a ...Y Gracias Por Los Lúpulos by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co. at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Can Can

I Believe in IPA! (Level 5) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 5) badge! Amazons & Andes (Level 5) Earned the Amazons & Andes (Level 5) badge!

Check-in Photo

Get Out Grape Ale by Knock Out Brewery

Eduardo Cornejo is drinking a Get Out Grape Ale by Knock Out Brewery at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Muy presente el aroma a manzana hoy. Una excelente cerveza. Mucho retrogusto a membrillo

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Doble IPA by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Eduardo Cornejo is drinking a Doble IPA by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co. at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Muy aromática y tropical. Papaya, piña y mango. Amargor fuerte pero rica de tomar. No se notan los 8 grados.

Growler Growler

Growl the Growler Earned the Growl the Growler badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 6) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 6) badge!
English Pale Ale by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Eduardo Cornejo is drinking an English Pale Ale by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co. at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Rico balance de dulce con presencia de caramelo. Tiene más textura y cuerpo. Se hace notar. Algo de amargor que logra convivir con el dulzor

Growler Growler

Babylon System by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Eduardo Cornejo is drinking a Babylon System by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co. at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Aroma fresco a piña, sin ser pasosa. Ligera y tomable. Dulce y aaaalgo de amargor, pero ultra suave. Muy refrescante y rica.

Can Can

Riding Steady (Level 3) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 3) badge! For the Can (Level 4) Earned the For the Can (Level 4) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 11) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 11) badge!

Check-in Photo

Caricia De Jamaica by SpoH

Peter Summer is drinking a Caricia De Jamaica by SpoH at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Draft Draft

Bar Explorer (Level 46) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 46) badge! Pucker Up (Level 23) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 23) badge! Find the Source (Level 7) Earned the Find the Source (Level 7) badge! Pure Garden Bliss Earned the Pure Garden Bliss badge!
Grisette by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Gonzorude is drinking a Grisette by Hasta Pronto Brewing Co. at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Purchased at Hasta Pronto Brewing Co.

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew (Level 7) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 7) badge! Amazons & Andes (Level 8) Earned the Amazons & Andes (Level 8) badge!

Check-in Photo

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