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Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Scandinavian Restaurant

Stora Fjäderholmen Stockholm, Storstockholm ( Map )

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Stora Fjäderholmen Stockholm, Storstockholm (Map)

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Last Updated 12/07/24

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Venue Stats (?)

  • 942 Total
  • 639 Unique
  • 13 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 12/07/24

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Recent Activity

Eriksberg Julöl by Carlsberg Sverige

Jonas Karlsson is drinking an Eriksberg Julöl by Carlsberg Sverige at Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Bottle Bottle

Bar Explorer (Level 6) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 6) badge! Beer Foodie (Level 3) Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 3) badge! Lager Jack (Level 11) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 11) badge!

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Melleruds Prima Julöl by Spendrups Bryggeri

Mathias Lindqvist is drinking a Melleruds Prima Julöl by Spendrups Bryggeri at Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Bottle Bottle

Bar Explorer (Level 54) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 54) badge! Riding Steady (Level 95) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 95) badge!

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Eriksberg Julöl by Carlsberg Sverige

Simon Hammarström is drinking an Eriksberg Julöl by Carlsberg Sverige at Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Fin julöl

Middle of the Road (Level 4) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 4) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 7) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 7) badge!

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West River IPA by Sälens Fjällbryggeri

Ville Athley is drinking a West River IPA by Sälens Fjällbryggeri at Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Beer Foodie (Level 3) Earned the Beer Foodie (Level 3) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 85) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 85) badge! Swedish Brews (Level 57) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 57) badge!

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Transtrands Pils by Sälens Fjällbryggeri

Andreas Torrestam is drinking a Transtrands Pils by Sälens Fjällbryggeri at Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Bottle Bottle

Riding Steady (Level 49) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 49) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 46) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 46) badge!

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West River IPA by Sälens Fjällbryggeri

Anders Norgren is drinking a West River IPA by Sälens Fjällbryggeri at Fjäderholmarnas Krog

Brew Traveler (Level 7) Earned the Brew Traveler (Level 7) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 86) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 86) badge!

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