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Beer Bar

Ул. Жесткова 7 Витебск, Витебская область ( Map )

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Ул. Жесткова 7 Витебск, Витебская область (Map)

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Last Updated 02/01/25

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  • 85 Total
  • 15 Unique
  • 0 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 02/01/25

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Recent Activity

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier – Märzen by Schlenkerla (

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking an Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier – Märzen by Schlenkerla ("Heller-Bräu" Trum) at Филипок

Странно, что чеки на не было. Старая добрая классика

Purchased at Филипок

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Reserve by Feldschlößchen Dresden

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking a Reserve by Feldschlößchen Dresden at Филипок

Пожалуй не

Purchased at Филипок

Can Can

Hopped Down (Level 59) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 59) badge!

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American Pale Ale by Gorkovskaya Brewery (Горьковская пивоварня)

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking an American Pale Ale by Gorkovskaya Brewery (Горьковская пивоварня) at Филипок

Ну это дерьмо уже получше

Purchased at Филипок

Bottle Bottle

Pale as the Moon (Level 3) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 3) badge!

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India Pale Ale by Gorkovskaya Brewery (Горьковская пивоварня)

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking an India Pale Ale by Gorkovskaya Brewery (Горьковская пивоварня) at Филипок

Вполне за свою цену

Purchased at Филипок

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 36) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 36) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 39) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 39) badge!

Check-in Photo

Gintarinis (Amber) by Švyturys

Дмитрий Колесников is drinking a Gintarinis (Amber) by Švyturys at Филипок

Как бэ можно и выпить. И вроде ровненько, но есть уловимый неприятный привкус. Х/з что за он, но рука тянется рыбкой закусить)

Purchased at Филипок

Crowler Crowler

Crisp as Day (Level 16) Earned the Crisp as Day (Level 16) badge!

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Грильяж Бир by Hops Brewery

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking a Грильяж Бир by Hops Brewery at Филипок

Как эксперемент - интересно, в аромате грильяж точно есть, а вот по вкусу - шляпа

Purchased at Филипок

Draft Draft

Hopped Down (Level 35) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 35) badge! Lager Jack (Level 8) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 8) badge!

Check-in Photo

Rush by Robim Good Brewery

Ivan Baranok is drinking a Rush by Robim Good Brewery at Филипок

Копченик со шпалами а ля натурэль

Purchased at Филипок

Draft Draft

Down In Smoke (Level 4) Earned the Down In Smoke (Level 4) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Solar Superstorm: Apricot by Bierstaat

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking a Solar Superstorm: Apricot by Bierstaat at Филипок

Не готов я к этому

Purchased at Краны Стаканы на Московском, 86

Draft Draft

Pucker Up (Level 9) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 9) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 11) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 11) badge!

Check-in Photo

Zbiten Baykalsky (Збитень Байкальский) by Dvinsky Brovar (Двинский Бровар)

Shurick Vtb1488 is drinking a Zbiten Baykalsky (Збитень Байкальский) by Dvinsky Brovar (Двинский Бровар) at Филипок

Ох уж этот лимонад Байкальский

Purchased at Филипок

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 22) Earned the Draft City (Level 22) badge! Beware of the Bison! (Level 21) Earned the Beware of the Bison! (Level 21) badge!

Check-in Photo

Лилит by Bierstaat

Vladislav Solodkov is drinking a Лилит by Bierstaat at Филипок

Яркий, освежающий, насыщенный, питкий. Хмель присутствует, земляника не пропала. Замечательно.

Purchased at Филипок

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew (Level 74) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 74) badge! Pale as the Moon (Level 12) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 12) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Alabama by Wolf's Brewery (Волковская Пивоварня)

Vladislav Solodkov is drinking an Alabama by Wolf's Brewery (Волковская Пивоварня) at Филипок

Блонд, персик с кислинкой.

Purchased at Филипок на Коммунистической

Draft Draft

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 13) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 13) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Beersel by Hops Brewery

Ivan Baranok is drinking a Beersel by Hops Brewery at Филипок

Ядрён батон

Purchased at Филипок на Коммунистической

Draft Draft

Bar Explorer (Level 11) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 11) badge! Beware of the Bison! (Level 15) Earned the Beware of the Bison! (Level 15) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Hefeweizen Orange by Konix Brewery

Vladislav Solodkov is drinking a Hefeweizen Orange by Konix Brewery at Филипок

Интересно, необычно, вкусно,но хмель затерялся. Апельсин похож на натуральный.

Purchased at Филипок

Bottle Bottle

Bar Explorer Earned the Bar Explorer badge! Hopped Down (Level 26) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 26) badge!
Tagged Friends

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