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Bodega Fermín

Beer Bar, Wine Bar, Tapas Restaurant

C. Sant Carles, 18 Barcelona, Catalunya ( Map )

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C. Sant Carles, 18 Barcelona, Catalunya (Map)

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Last Updated 02/10/25

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  • 8,912 Total
  • 1,915 Unique
  • 39 Monthly
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Last Updated 02/10/25

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Recent Activity

Multiball by SOMA Beer

andreamiza is drinking a Multiball by SOMA Beer at Bodega Fermín

Purchased at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 41) Earned the Draft City (Level 41) badge!
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Blame Culture by Oso Brew Co

Carlos Herrero is drinking a Blame Culture by Oso Brew Co at Bodega Fermín

Blame Culture. Oso Brew Co.. IPA New England Hazy. (Madrid). 6%.#7days7beers.

Purchased at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

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Tontorrone by Attik Brewing

Jordi Alonso is drinking a Tontorrone by Attik Brewing at Bodega Fermín

Thick. Dense. Quite sweet, just on the brink of cloying. First whiff is like a coffee syrup w/ a dose of vanilla. Caramel, capuccino, vanilla, a bit of moccha. Light acrid aftertaste.

Purchased at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

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Multiball by SOMA Beer

Jordi Alonso is drinking a Multiball by SOMA Beer at Bodega Fermín

Grassy whiff. Very fruity, w/ a sweet character. Dank backdrop, w/ hints of sage & lavender coming from the hops. Fresh!

Purchased at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

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Arturito by OGHAM Cerveza Artesanal

Jordi Alonso is drinking an Arturito by OGHAM Cerveza Artesanal at Bodega Fermín

No aroma. Tickling carbonation. Maybe there's some citrus flavours, but this is, by no means, an IPL: it lacks hop punch, freshness & flavour.

Purchased at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

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Pilsen by OGHAM Cerveza Artesanal

Colin W is drinking a Pilsen by OGHAM Cerveza Artesanal at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 55) Earned the Draft City (Level 55) badge! Crisp as Day (Level 8) Earned the Crisp as Day (Level 8) badge!
Just In Time: Tango & Cascade by Cierzo Brewing Co.

Jami Wardman is drinking a Just In Time: Tango & Cascade by Cierzo Brewing Co. at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

Hopped Down (Level 17) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 17) badge! Draft City (Level 36) Earned the Draft City (Level 36) badge! Haze for Days (Level 24) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 24) badge!
Multiball by SOMA Beer

Karel Stoel is drinking a Multiball by SOMA Beer at Bodega Fermín

Zacht en troebel

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 99) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 99) badge!

Check-in Photo

Just In Time: Tango & Cascade by Cierzo Brewing Co.

Fab Mouss is drinking a Just In Time: Tango & Cascade by Cierzo Brewing Co. at Bodega Fermín

Haze for Days (Level 58) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 58) badge! Flamenco (Level 34) Earned the Flamenco (Level 34) badge!

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Pilsen by OGHAM Cerveza Artesanal

Karel Stoel is drinking a Pilsen by OGHAM Cerveza Artesanal at Bodega Fermín

Mooi fris

Draft Draft

New Brew Thursday  (Level 28) Earned the New Brew Thursday (Level 28) badge!

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Multiball by SOMA Beer

Colin W is drinking a Multiball by SOMA Beer at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

Haze for Days (Level 49) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 49) badge!

Check-in Photo

Just In Time: Tango & Cascade by Cierzo Brewing Co.

Bodega Fermin La Barceloneta is drinking a Just In Time: Tango & Cascade by Cierzo Brewing Co. at Bodega Fermín

Draft Draft

Beer of the World (Level 4) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 4) badge! Pale as the Moon (Level 4) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 4) badge!
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