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Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi


Via Fondé 21 San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna ( Map )

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Via Fondé 21 San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna (Map)

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Last Updated 09/28/24

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Venue Stats (?)

  • 612 Total
  • 148 Unique
  • 2 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 09/28/24

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Recent Activity

Mia Farro by Birra Bellazzi

Matteo Menotti is drinking a Mia Farro by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

Better Together Earned the Better Together badge! What Gose Round Earned the What Gose Round badge!
Calabrifornia by Birra Bellazzi

drex96 is drinking a Calabrifornia by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

My fav lager for sure, lovely bergamotto flavour

Draft Draft

Alley Hop by Birra Bellazzi

drex96 is drinking an Alley Hop by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 17) Earned the Draft City (Level 17) badge!
Calabrifornia by Birra Bellazzi

drex96 is drinking a Calabrifornia by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

It's not my style but it's lovely, damn smooth and you can feel the bergamotto and other infusion

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 5) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 5) badge!
Jake by Birra Bellazzi

drex96 is drinking a Jake by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

New Zealand APA, it's delicious as I remembered

Bottle Bottle

Red Hot Hops Chili Peppers by Birra Bellazzi

drex96 is drinking a Red Hot Hops Chili Peppers by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Particular neipa with an hint of spicy, well balanced

Draft Draft

Better Together (Level 2) Earned the Better Together (Level 2) badge! Haze for Days (Level 3) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 3) badge!
Red Hot Hops Chili Peppers by Birra Bellazzi

Jolly is drinking a Red Hot Hops Chili Peppers by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

Riding Steady (Level 25) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 25) badge! Draft City (Level 39) Earned the Draft City (Level 39) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 61) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 61) badge! Haze for Days (Level 3) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 3) badge! The Gondolier (Level 70) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 70) badge! Find the Source (Level 6) Earned the Find the Source (Level 6) badge!
MyBo by Birra Bellazzi

Marcel Aloy i Calaf is drinking a MyBo by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

I'll Be Bock (Level 3) Earned the I'll Be Bock (Level 3) badge!
Tagged Friends
Cico IPA by Birra Bellazzi

Marcel Aloy i Calaf is drinking a Cico IPA by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

I Believe in IPA! (Level 70) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 70) badge! The Gondolier  (Level 35) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 35) badge!
Tagged Friends
Jana by Birra Bellazzi

Alessandro Caterino is drinking a Jana by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 17) Earned the Draft City (Level 17) badge! Find the Source (Level 4) Earned the Find the Source (Level 4) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Cico IPA by Birra Bellazzi

☆J J☆ is drinking a Cico IPA by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Purchased at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 47) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 47) badge!
Tagged Friends
Young Prickly Bastard by Birra Bellazzi

Manuel M is drinking a Young Prickly Bastard by Birra Bellazzi at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Purchased at Birrificio - Birra Bellazzi

Draft Draft

Riding Steady (Level 10) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 10) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

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