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Beer Time


Omegna, Piemonte ( Map )

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Omegna, Piemonte (Map)

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Last Updated 02/09/25

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Venue Stats (?)

  • 199 Total
  • 42 Unique
  • 5 Monthly
  • 0 You

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Last Updated 02/09/25

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Recent Activity

Piè Veloce Brux Cascade by Ca' del Brado

Simone Platini is drinking a Piè Veloce Brux Cascade by Ca' del Brado at Beer Time

Estremamente bevibile, un piacere

Bottle Bottle

Wheel of Styles (Level 24) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 24) badge! The Gondolier (Level 60) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 60) badge!

Check-in Photo

35 mm by Birrificio Wild Raccoon

Simone Platini is drinking a 35 mm by Birrificio Wild Raccoon at Beer Time

Amaro intenso e persistente, cacao in polvere e moka

Can Can

Sky's the Limit (Level 3) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 3) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 98) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 98) badge! For the Can (Level 24) Earned the For the Can (Level 24) badge! 2X (Level 5) Earned the 2X (Level 5) badge! Wake Up and Smell The Coffee! Earned the Wake Up and Smell The Coffee! badge! Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 5) badge!

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Monte Sole by Ca' del Brado

Simone Platini is drinking a Monte Sole by Ca' del Brado at Beer Time

Bevuta in abbinamento a panettone Elvo, da detonazione... Brett e agrumi in aroma, freschezza piacevolissima alla beva. La decisa secchezza le permette di pulire perfettamente il palato, in questo caso dall'ottimo (burroso) panettone, accoppiata perfetta.

Bottle Bottle

Hopped Down (Level 12) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 12) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 93) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 93) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 33) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 33) badge!

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Rock Noel  by Birrificio Il Mastio

Simone Platini is drinking a Rock Noel by Birrificio Il Mastio at Beer Time

In formissima, bella rotonda tra aroma e beva. Estremamente bevibile nonostante la complessità, KILLER.

Draft Draft

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Meringata by BrewFist

Simone Platini is drinking a Meringata by BrewFist at Beer Time

Cheesecake al limone

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 30) Earned the Draft City (Level 30) badge!

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Nat-ale by Birrificio La Villana

Simone Platini is drinking a Nat-ale by Birrificio La Villana at Beer Time

Tripel con aroma molto spinto sull'erbaceo, alloro

Draft Draft

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Dream On by Birrificio Lambrate

Simone Platini is drinking a Dream On by Birrificio Lambrate at Beer Time

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 27) Earned the Draft City (Level 27) badge! The Gondolier  (Level 49) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 49) badge!

Check-in Photo

Cloudburst by Birrificio Lambrate

Simone Platini is drinking a Cloudburst by Birrificio Lambrate at Beer Time

Aroma esplosivo, mango, peperone giallo (?!). Alla beva la luppolatura potentissima si sente tutta ma senza risultare astringente, corpo medio che le dà una bevibilità inaspettata. Bel prodotto!

Draft Draft

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Ragioniere Batti? by Birrificio Wild Raccoon

Simone Platini is drinking a Ragioniere Batti? by Birrificio Wild Raccoon at Beer Time

Buona interpretazione, a mio gusto la componente maltata forse sbilancia la bevuta

Can Can

Beer of the World (Level 10) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 10) badge! The Gondolier  (Level 42) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 42) badge!

Check-in Photo

Twist by Vertiga

Simone Platini is drinking a Twist by Vertiga at Beer Time

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 35) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 35) badge! Draft City (Level 25) Earned the Draft City (Level 25) badge! The Gondolier  (Level 41) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 41) badge!

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MacBarrell Vol. 2 by Birrificio La Villana

Paul Buxton is drinking a MacBarrell Vol. 2 by Birrificio La Villana at Beer Time

Purchased at Beer Time

Bottle Bottle

The Gondolier  (Level 32) Earned the The Gondolier (Level 32) badge!

Check-in Photo

Dolii Raptor (2015) by Birrificio Montegioco

Paul Buxton is drinking a Dolii Raptor (2015) by Birrificio Montegioco at Beer Time

Purchased at Beer Time

Bottle Bottle

Sky's the Limit (Level 16) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 16) badge! Pucker Up (Level 58) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 58) badge!

Check-in Photo

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