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Beer Mug

Beer Bar

Улица Горького, дом 148 Nizhnij Novgorod, Нижегородская обл. ( Map )

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Улица Горького, дом 148 Nizhnij Novgorod, Нижегородская обл. (Map)

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Last Updated 10/04/24

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  • 10,303 Total
  • 690 Unique
  • 39 Monthly
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Last Updated 10/04/24

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Recent Activity

Здурнелі зусім і дадалі ў пшанічку Нельсан by Midnight Project

Vladimir is drinking a Здурнелі зусім і дадалі ў пшанічку Нельсан by Midnight Project at Beer Mug

Это годно. Сладковатая цитрусовая пшеничка, аромат слабоватый скорее банановый, во вкусе чувствуется уже хмель, легкая приятная горчинка. 340₽/0.5

Purchased at Beer Mug

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Wheel of Styles (Level 37) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 37) badge! Wit, Weiss, and Weizen (Level 10) Earned the Wit, Weiss, and Weizen (Level 10) badge!

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Новгород by Brewmen

Виталий Ярымов is drinking a Новгород by Brewmen at Beer Mug

Не совсем попадание в стиль, объем 0.4, но в целом не противно и достаточно приятно.. +0.25 за малую родину

Purchased at Beer Mug

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Haze for Days (Level 15) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 15) badge!
Soul Calibur by Selfmade Brewery

Евгений Большев is drinking a Soul Calibur by Selfmade Brewery at Beer Mug

Не плотный, сухой

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Middle of the Road (Level 33) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 33) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 43) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 43) badge!

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Батин Суп by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг

NikolayTheSt is drinking a Батин Суп by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Beer Mug

Хрючево, но хрючево интересное. Мне горчило, оценка за забавный вкус

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Tap Flip (Almond Ed.) by Red Button Brewery

NikolayTheSt is drinking a Tap Flip (Almond Ed.) by Red Button Brewery at Beer Mug

Сироп кофе, вязкий как нефть

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Ночь by Brewlok Brewery

NikolayTheSt is drinking a Ночь by Brewlok Brewery at Beer Mug

Послевкусие металл, вкус - вода

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Newbie Earned the Newbie badge!
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Spirals by Zagovor Brewery

Rodion P is drinking a Spirals by Zagovor Brewery at Beer Mug

Приятная горечь

Draft Draft

Bar Explorer (Level 72) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 72) badge!

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Чехонь by Sergacore Brewery

keef dnb is drinking a Чехонь by Sergacore Brewery at Beer Mug

Purchased at Beer Mug

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Hopped Down (Level 16) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 16) badge! Photogenic Brew (Level 96) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 96) badge!

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Show Me Your Hoplist by Paradox

Dmitry Z is drinking a Show Me Your Hoplist by Paradox at Beer Mug

I Believe in IPA! (Level 27) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 27) badge! 2X (Level 9) Earned the 2X (Level 9) badge! Haze for Days (Level 14) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 14) badge!
Hefeweizen by Discovery Brewing

Aloha is drinking a Hefeweizen by Discovery Brewing at Beer Mug

Brewery Pioneer (Level 5) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 5) badge!
Когда смотришь на тьму by 4BREWERS

Mr Kolarad is drinking a Когда смотришь на тьму by 4BREWERS at Beer Mug

Purchased at Beer Mug

Can Can

Photogenic Brew (Level 74) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 74) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Helles Schlenkerla Lagerbier by Schlenkerla (

Sour0n is drinking a Helles Schlenkerla Lagerbier by Schlenkerla ("Heller-Bräu" Trum) at Beer Mug

Purchased at Beer Mug

Bottle Bottle

Daily Checker Earned the Daily Checker badge! Bar Explorer Earned the Bar Explorer badge!

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PiLS By LiS PLEASE by LiS Brew

Kanzak_ded is drinking a PiLS By LiS PLEASE by LiS Brew at Beer Mug

Какое-то аптечное лекарство .

Bottle Bottle

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