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Alus Pasaule

Beer Store

Apūzes Iela 34 Rīga, Riga ( Map )

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Apūzes Iela 34 Rīga, Riga (Map)

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Last Updated 02/09/25

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  • 13,388 Total
  • 272 Unique
  • 115 Monthly
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Last Updated 02/09/25

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Recent Activity

E024 by Labietis

Edgars Rozentals is drinking an E024 by Labietis at Alus Pasaule

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

For the Can (Level 59) Earned the For the Can (Level 59) badge!

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Kebabalus by Apūzes Kebabs

Andis Pētersons is drinking a Kebabalus by Apūzes Kebabs at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

Bar Explorer (Level 28) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 28) badge! Riding Steady (Level 61) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 61) badge!
Pirniraks by Põhjala

Emils Stefans is drinking a Pirniraks by Põhjala at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

Journeyman Earned the Journeyman badge! Beer of the World (Level 3) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 3) badge! Beer Connoisseur (Level 2) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 2) badge! Pucker Up (Level 3) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 3) badge!

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Kriek Lambic by Brouwerij Mort Subite

ybgmeister is drinking a Kriek Lambic by Brouwerij Mort Subite at Alus Pasaule

Bottle Bottle

Riding Steady (Level 54) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 54) badge! Draft City (Level 38) Earned the Draft City (Level 38) badge! Silence of the Lambics Earned the Silence of the Lambics badge!
Leffe Brune / Bruin 0,0% by Abbaye de Leffe

Denny van Beer is drinking a Leffe Brune / Bruin 0,0% by Abbaye de Leffe at Alus Pasaule

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

Photogenic Brew  (Level 21) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 21) badge!
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Grolsch Premium Lager by Koninklijke Grolsch

Даниэль Новиков is drinking a Grolsch Premium Lager by Koninklijke Grolsch at Alus Pasaule

Я хзы как это оценивать, взял просто чтобы попить пока стою на остановке, пока дошел до остановки приехал автобус. Пришлось пить там 🤣. Пивом назвать это трудно, это просто вода 🤷🏻‍♂️. Купил, зачикенил, забыл 🤷🏻‍♂️

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Bottle Bottle

Crisp as Day (Level 14) Earned the Crisp as Day (Level 14) badge!

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Bourgogne des Flandres Blonde / Blond by Brewery John Martin & Brewery Timmermans

Juris Āliņš is drinking a Bourgogne des Flandres Blonde / Blond by Brewery John Martin & Brewery Timmermans at Alus Pasaule

blondais kombo ar vieglu skābstumiņu. patīkami pārsteidza. ir dzerti kombo ar apiņiem- tie ir lieliski, bet šis ir tikpat super

Bottle Bottle

Brūža Dark Velvet by Cēsu Alus

Rihards Ozoliņš is drinking a Brūža Dark Velvet by Cēsu Alus at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

Latitude for Latvia (Level 19) Earned the Latitude for Latvia (Level 19) badge!
Pilnīgas Auzas by Malduguns

Jānis Kristapsons is drinking a Pilnīgas Auzas by Malduguns at Alus Pasaule

Bottle Bottle

Riding Steady (Level 53) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 53) badge! Latitude for Latvia (Level 53) Earned the Latitude for Latvia (Level 53) badge!
Tagged Friends

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Lauris Abele is drinking an AURELIA / DDH DIPA by Hopalaa at Alus Pasaule

Nice one. Hopalaa is a good brewery, but they tend tommake too sweet beers sometimes. But this one is nice - hop aroma and bitternes rule it all!

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

World Bartender Day (2022) Earned the World Bartender Day (2022) badge!

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QDH Vic Secret x Enigma x Galaxy x Strata TIPA by Ārpus Brewing Co.

Lauris Abele is drinking a QDH Vic Secret x Enigma x Galaxy x Strata TIPA by Ārpus Brewing Co. at Alus Pasaule

I understand that New England tipa byt the stule shoukd be sweet, but this is tooo sticky:)

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

Cheers To You! (Level 5) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 5) badge! Sky's the Limit (Level 13) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 13) badge!

Check-in Photo

Franziskaner Premium Weissbier Naturtrüb by Spaten-Franziskaner-Löwenbräu-Gruppe

Даниэль Новиков is drinking a Franziskaner Premium Weissbier Naturtrüb by Spaten-Franziskaner-Löwenbräu-Gruppe at Alus Pasaule

Странная , очень странная пшеничка. Мне как-то не зашла, хотя знающие люди сказали что классическая 😁

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Bottle Bottle

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Bacchus Vlaams Oud Bruin by Kasteel Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck

Lauris Abele is drinking a Bacchus Vlaams Oud Bruin by Kasteel Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck at Alus Pasaule

A winter bruin:) but quite light still

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 57) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 57) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 70) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 70) badge!

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Vanilla Barleywine by Ārpus Brewing Co.

Lauris Abele is drinking a Vanilla Barleywine by Ārpus Brewing Co. at Alus Pasaule

First of all - not a big specialist in this type of beer, but as full bidied was Sierra Nevada one, this one is one sided use of vanilla. Vanilla is only good if you get a hint of it to my tasre, as it overpowers everything. And Im an Arpus fan!

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

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Neon Dog by ODU Brewery

Lauris Abele is drinking a Neon Dog by ODU Brewery at Alus Pasaule

Malty, hoppy double! Bit too sweet...

Purchased at Alus Pasaule

Can Can

2X (Level 23) Earned the 2X (Level 23) badge!

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