
Chris's Recent Activity

Hazy Seoul by Dokkaebier

Chris Wu is drinking a Hazy Seoul by Dokkaebier

Light haze, bit watery but easy sipper, citra doesn’t overwhelm

Taster Taster

Taster, Please (Level 72) Earned the Taster, Please (Level 72) badge!

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Dokkaebi IPA by Dokkaebier

Chris Wu is drinking a Dokkaebi IPA by Dokkaebier

Slightly hoppy, light, some bitter notes

Taster Taster

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Double Dry-Hopped Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company

Chris Wu is drinking a Double Dry-Hopped Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company

10d old bottle, resinous, less hop bite than the regular elder. Found this bottle at Wholefoods!

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