
Shayla's Recent Activity

Apple Pie Belgyinz by Levity Brewing Company

Shayla Jameson is drinking an Apple Pie Belgyinz by Levity Brewing Company at Levity Brewing Co.


Taster Taster

Verified Adventure (Level 6) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 6) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 12) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 12) badge! Photogenic Brew  (Level 19) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 19) badge! Land of the Free  (Level 21) Earned the Land of the Free (Level 21) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Upside Dawn Golden by Athletic Brewing Company

Shayla Jameson is drinking an Upside Dawn Golden by Athletic Brewing Company at Mama Lucia

Oh my god he’s so handsome I have the biggest crush on him.

Can Can

Cheers To You! (Level 2) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 2) badge! Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 18) Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 18) badge! Riding Steady (Level 10) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 10) badge! Hopped Down (Level 5) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 5) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo