Riku S is drinking a MELLANMÅS by Stigbergets Bryggeri at Untappd at Home
A classic combination of Citra and Mosaic. Smooth and creamy, grapefruit and a hint of earthiness. Some green stuff as well. Solid as expected from Stigbergets.

Riku S is drinking a Second Term by District 96 Beer Factory at Untappd at Home
Nice creamy mouthfeel, some grassiness, raw pineapple, mango. Sharp but in a good way. Sweet but ending is dry. Interesting and delicious.
Purchased at K-Supermarket Pekuri

Riku S is drinking a Maisel's Weisse Leicht by Brauerei Gebr. Maisel at Untappd at Home
Had this one yesterday. Malty, sweet and yeasty. Some banana and a hint of cloves. A lot lighter than a regular hefeweizen but it still has a lot of flavor.

Riku S is drinking an Exiled by Revenant Brewing Project
Did I get a bad can? Fresh fruitiness and candies and a nice creamy mouthfeel, quite dry which I appreciate but ending falls a bit...flat? Some booziness even. Not bad but I expected more.
Purchased at K-Supermarket Pekuri

Malty, slightly sweet and refreshing. Crisp. Good carbonation. Grassiness and some bitterness in the end. Clean as well. Very nice after sauna.